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It's been a couple weeks since we first moved here. I learned a lot about different popular places like the Plainview Mall, which Rodrick took me to, and the roller rink.

I also learned more about Loded Diper. Rodrick, the drummer, obviously. Then his best friend Ben who does vocals. Ben has brown hair with frosted tips, not a good look if you ask me, and he's always wearing a slightly large leather jacket. The other member Chris has blonde hair and thickly framed glasses. I see an older guy, maybe 30s with long blonde hair, there quite often as well.

They let me sit in on practices sometime. Well technically they had to because I kept showing up and they kept kicking me out, but eventually they gave up and let me stay.

They say I'm Loded Diper's biggest fan but really I think I'm their only fan.

The Heffley family has been really nice to us. They invited all of us to the pool with them today. School starts next month, so I have the rest of summer to spend with them as well.

"Okay Carson, you need to find your best swim suit." I tell myself as I look through my closet. I decided on a simple white bikini with yellow stripes that had a tie on the front of the top.

I grabbed an oversized t-shirt to wear on the way to the pool and put my hair up in a bun. My parents couldn't make it out today, so Tyler and I walked over to the Heffley's alone.

They met us in their driveway as we all piled into their SUV. "Everyone excited?" Mrs. Heffley said with a smile. There were a few scattered answers around the car.

Rodrick and I sat alone in the back. "My plan is to relax in a comfortable chair and try to sell some cd's." Rodrick had planned out his afternoon.

"My plan is to find a comfortable chair next to yours and stop everyone from buying a cd." I joke.

He laughs and shoved me playfully. We've been getting along recently. There are occasional banters back and forth but I need friends.

We got to the public pool and headed to the bathrooms that connect to the opening of the pool. "See you on the other side." I joked as I went through the ladies room with Mrs. Heffley.

"So Carson, you and Rodrick have been getting along pretty well." Mrs. Heffley smiles at me.

"Yeah I guess you could say that."

"He talks about you all the time." She says as she opens the door to the pool.

"Wha-" I try to talk to her but the guys come up to us, trying to find a spot. Rodrick smiles at me as he follows his family.

I start to fall behind so I pick up my pace to catch up with everyone. We settled on a spot near a table and umbrella.

It is so crowded. It's practically packed shoulder to shoulder with kids in the pool. "Greg go with Manny to the pool!" Mr. Heffley orders.

I get the bottle of sunscreen, the kind that sprays, and begin to spray the front half of my body. I struggle trying to reach my back. "Here." Rodrick grabs the bottle from my hands and sprays my back. He sets the bottle on the table and lays back down.

"Th-thanks." I stutter. "You good? You're acting weird." Rodrick asks. "I'm splendid." I internally groan. Splendid? Really?

It took me a good 30 minutes to shake off the whole 'splendid' thing. I was getting some sun and relaxing. I really needed this— until Rodrick interrupted my peaceful time by jumping up in a panic.

It caused me to jump up and scream "is there a bee?" really loudly. "Heather Hills is here. She never comes to the public pool." Rodrick was practically drooling over her.

I look where he's looking and see a tall, skinny, beautiful blonde in a skimpy bikini. "Heather is here? That means Holly must be here!" I hear Greg yell. I've heard multiple times how Greg loves this girl named Holly.

"Wow she's really pretty." I tell Rodrick. "She's a total hottie." He corrects me. "You should go talk to her." I told him, pretending not to care what he does.

In reality, I've grown to sort of like Rodrick. I don't necessarily like like him, but I'm not ready to lose him as a friend.

"I will." He stands up, walks two steps, then comes back to the chair. "What are you doing?" I look up at him. "She looks busy."

I look over at Heather doing absolutely nothing. "Why don't you go talk to her for me?" Rodrick comes up with a terrible idea.

"Absolutely not." I retort.

"Oh come on, why not?" He whines.


"What reason could you possibly have?" He asks me the one thing I don't want to admit.

"I- I just-" I freeze. "You're a jerk!" I yell at him before walking off to find Tyler and Greg.

Rodrick stands there with total confusion on what just happened. "What did I do?"

I went into the pool where Greg, Tyler, and Manny were. "God Rodrick is so stupid!" I frustratingly yell. "You're telling me, trying living with him. It's torture." Greg agrees with me.

"So is Heather Hills with her dumb blonde hair and her dumb face and her dumb stupid band that no one even listens to but maybe they'd consider if she weren't an asshole for more than 5 minutes." I continue to ramble on. "We aren't talking about Heather Hills anymore are we?" Tyler asks me softly.

"What?" I realized I had stopped talking about Heather and started talking about Rodrick. "Shut up! God, are all guys this stupid?" I get out of the pool and go by Mr. and Mrs. Heffley instead.

"Oh honey what's wrong?" Mrs. Heffley sets down her book and asks me. "Men." I huffed. "You're telling me." She agrees with a sassy tone towards the subject.

"I shouldn't be here right now." Mr. Heffley awkwardly gets up and walks away from us.

On the car ride home, I was mad at Rodrick and wouldn't speak to him. "So you're just going to ignore me now?" He asks.

I ignored him by looking out the window. "I'll never understand girls." I rolled my eyes at what he said. I know I'm in the wrong here, but I am too pissed off to care.

Is this my mind trying to tell me that I'm jealous Rodrick likes Heather?

a/n lol drama. just want my bby carson to be happy w rodrick🥺

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