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I woke up feeling like someone repeatedly hit me on the head with a baseball hat. So this is what being hungover feels like.

I stand up, shakily, and make it to the bathroom to get a cup of water. I looked in the mirror and suddenly something came back to me.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards me. "I like you Rodrick, I like like you." I pulled him even closer so that my lips touched his, it was slow at first, but then he gave into it.

Oh my god, I kissed Rodrick last night. What was I thinking? I'm going to have to look him in the eye after this. Why would I even do that? We're not on great terms right now.

I walk back into my bedroom and see there's Aspirin on my bedside table. I guess I grabbed a bottle before passing out last night.

I groaned as I grabbed the bottle and took out two tablets. "This better help." I mutter. I was about to lay back down when someone knocked on my door.

"Hmmm?" I called out, not wanting to speak right now. Who came to the door surprised me. It was Greg.

"Greg? What are you doing here?" I asked him as I sat up.

"I just wanted to tell you," He hands me a flyer, "that Loded Diper's big show is tonight."

I look at the flyer, it's poorly constructed but so is their band. "I'm not going Greg. I'm done with Rodrick. I've made a fool out of my self one too many times." I say the last part with a shudder from last night.

"Fine. I get it." Greg leaves me with the flyer.
Their show is tonight at 7. I looked over at my clock which read 3:08 pm. I didn't realize I slept in that late.

I'm going to hate myself for this, but I got up and got dressed. I put on black ripped jeans, a Loded Diper shirt that Rodrick gave me, put on some converse and got into my car.

It was around 6:50 pm by the time I got to the theater they were playing at. I walked into the building and found where the Heffley's where sitting.

I sit down casually in the open chair next to Greg. They all turn to look at me. Mr. and Mrs. Heffley smiled and turned back to get their camera ready. Greg continued to look at me with shock.

"What changed your mind? Was it me?" He smiled. "What? No you loser, I told Rodrick that I'd always support him, no matter what." I focused my attention to the stage.

Loded Diper comes out on stage. Rodrick sits down on the stool for the drums. He scans the crowd and pauses when his eyes land on me.

I gave him a small half smile, which caused him to flash a real smile. "Rodrick, start us off." Ben whispered, covering the microphone. Rodrick snapped out of the blissful daze he was in and counted to 4, tapping his drum sticks.

The music was, interesting, to say the least. I've sat in on many rehearsals, so I'm at least prepared for what I'm about to hear.

Mr. and Mrs. Heffley look slightly scared, but proud of their son.

"We are Loded Diper! Thank you!" They yelled after they played a few of their songs.

Once they played their last song people eventually started to get up and leave, or tell the band good job.

I got out of my seat and walked towards the stage. I found a sweaty Rodrick backstage drinking from a water bottle.

"Hey there rock star." I said slowly and softly. Rodrick turns and looks at me.

He didn't say anything, so I spoke up again. "Listen about the other day, I'm sorry. I overreacted, you can like whoever you want."

"Carson, I like you." Rodrick said.

"W-what about Heather?" I asked, not believing this.

Rodrick let out a sigh and stepped closer. "Carson, Heather means nothing to me. She never did. I've been going out with her because I didn't think anything would ever happen between us. I didn't think you liked me that way. Which is why when you told me, I was a little shocked." Rodrick told me.

"Rodrick I- I guess what I really want to say right now is.... your eyeliner looks great." I laugh.

"It's the hair, they go well together." He plays along.

"It's definitely the hair." I laugh. "You really screwed up." I told him.

"I know. I do this thing where anything gets too real, I screw it up. So when things got real between us, I avoided it because I didn't want to screw it up, but I did anyway." He explained.

"So what do you say princess? Do you forgi-"

"Just shut up and kiss me for real this time." I cut him off. He smiles and pulls me in from the waist.

I stand up on my tip toes and reach his lips. It's better than my drunken kiss with him. It's real this time, it means something.

"Are we interrupting something?" Mrs. Heffley speaks up with a rather large grin on her face.

We both jump back and look at them like deer in the headlights. "No?" We both say in unison.

"We're going to go for ice cream. Carson, would you like to join us?" Mrs. Heffley asked.

I turned and looked at Rodrick, who smiled at me. "I'd love to."

When we got to the ice cream place, Rodrick and I went to go up and order. "Can I have a hot fudge sundae with no nuts?" The worker adds it up in the register and replies "total will be 4.09"

Rodrick reaches for his wallet. "No no no, I'm paying for myself."

"No no no, I'm paying for my girlfriend." He corrects me and hands her the money.

I don't think he noticed that he just called me his girlfriend, but when he said it I swear my eyes lit up.

"I've never seen Rodrick willingly pay for something, especially if it's not for him." Greg says out of shock.

"That's what happens when you fall in love." Mrs. Heffley said.

Is that what we were? In love?

If I had to be in love with someone, it would be Rodrick Heffley. The sarcastic, albeit arrogant, drummer in that one shitty band.

a/n lol this was the last chapter. hope you enjoyed!!! this was meant to be a cute little story in case people are extra hot for rodrick right now lol

and remember....

#notmyrodrick !!!!

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