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I haven't talked to Rodrick in a few days. I feel like garbage, but I'm sure he's more than okay. I just really need to get my mind off of Rodrick.

I need to do something reckless. Something even Rodrick would disapprove of.

Okay well there's not much he would disapprove of, but still, it can be reckless. I need to do something to forget him.

Since I don't have many friends, or almost any at all, I turn to my only choice.

Calling Ben (Loded Diper)....

"Hello? Carson?"

"Hey Ben! Sorry I know we don't normally talk... but I was hoping for a small favor."

"For our number 1 fan? Of course! What do you need?"

"You have a fake ID, right?"

I see Ben pull his car around and get out with a bag. He looks completely suspicious, he's probably terrible with cops. I think it's the frosted tips that really do it.

I met Ben at his car and he handed me the bag. "How much do I owe you?" I got out my wallet. He lowered it down. "Don't worry about it. Have fun, but not too much fun!" He laughed as he got in his car and drove away.

I see Rodrick come outside. I quickly hide the bag under my sweatshirt and run inside. I check the kitchen for lemonade, and take the entire gallon up to my room.

I shut and locked the door, and made sure to shut my blinds. I took the bag out from my sweatshirt and opened it up to reveal a bottle of vodka.

It was the most reckless thing I could think of. I mixed some vodka into the gallon of lemonade and saved the rest for another time, hiding it with some clothes.

Sip by sip I started to feel the effects it had on me. I turned on some music and as the day went on, the music got louder, and the alcohol intake got larger.

It was 3 hours later. I'm pretty sure I'm totally plastered. Tyler knocks on my door. I started laughing as I opened it. "Tyler! My favorite bro!" I slurred.

"You're being weird. Rodrick is here to see you." He looks at me one more time before walking away shaking his head.

"Rodrick! Come here man!" I yelled. Rodrick started walking up the stairs to meet me in my room.

"Shhhh! Close the door!" I whispered loudly. He looked confused but still closed the door.

"I am so glad you're here!" I exclaimed. "Y-you are?" He asked out of total shock.

"Yup!" I laughed and fell down, knocking over some things on my dresser.

"Is everything alright up there?" My dad yelled. "Yes sir!" I said stern and loud. It caused me to laugh even more.

Rodrick helped me up. "Are you drunk? Is that why I saw Ben outside earlier? Did he buy you alcohol?"

"I'm not drunk, I'm Carson!" I chuckled. I started fiddling with my hair. "You're really cute Rodrick." I smiled at him.

"Yes I know, it's a gift really." He complimented himself.

I sat down on my bed and looked at him. "I really really like your lips. Especially when you pout. I think it's the cutest thing in the world!" I said in a half serious tone.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards me. "I like you Rodrick, I like like you." I pulled him even closer so that my lips touched his, it was slow at first, but then he gave into it.

It felt euphoric. Ever get the feeling where you want something to last forever so when it ends you play it on a loop in your head forever? That's how I feel kissing Rodrick Heffley.

He pulls back. "This isn't right. I am not going to take advantage of you!" Rodrick sighs.

"Underneath all of that arrogance, you're a good guy Rodrick." I said.

"Yeah I know, it sucks." He groaned.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He nodded and moved in closer to hear. "I think I need to go throw up." His eyes widened as I run out of my bedroom to the bathroom.

Rodrick chased me in there and closed the door so no one would see. I leaned over the toilet, throwing up terribly. He kneeled down and held my hair. I groaned as I continued to throw up.

"Shhh, it's okay, let it out." He calmly said as he rubbed my back gently. I sat up and wiped my mouth. "You're taking care of me. Thank you." I smiled, before throwing up some more.

"Just let it all out princess. Not like I'm completely grossed out by all of this." Rodrick said with disgust.

After I finished up my business in the bathroom, Rodrick helped me back into my bed. I got under the covers and Rodrick tucked me in.

"Why are you helping me right now?" I asked quietly.

"Well because I know you won't remember almost any of this, and because I care about you Carson." Rodrick smiles.

My eyes start to flutter close. Rodrick leans down and kisses my forehead softly. "Sweet dreams princess."

I hear him climb out my window and into his own room.

I might not remember any of this, but I'm glad it happened.

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