What Are You Doing Here?

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Everyone stopped breathing, scared to make a single noise. Even semi-humans passing by noticed something was off and hurried away before they could get dragged in. Unfortunately for me, I didn't even have enough space between me and the raging black-tabby to bother running.

"Which one of you said that?" He shouted out at the scared to death semi-humans. His fiery gaze scanned over them, causing them to shiver in fright. "Step out here right this moment or I'll-"

He abruptly stopped talking when the speaker stepped out from the shadows of the surrounding trees. The semi-human was in human form and hunched over a walking stick. Her lips were stuck in a permanent scowl, and wrinkles lined her wide forehead. "You'll what?"

All anger had vanished from Zeal's face. Even his frown faltered, and his glaring eyes turned to confusion. Remembering he had an audience, Zeal straightened himself back up and closed his slightly cracked open mouth before opening it again to speak, "Mother, I wasn't expecting you here."

"Of course you weren't," the old lady let out low, unamused laughter. She clenched her walking stick like a sword, and stomped it on the ground as she spoke, "A little black runt woke me up."

A round face with a mop of dark brown hair peeked around the old lady. Moose didn't change much from cat form to human form. Although I called her fur super dark brown, it would add to my working theory that all black cats were out to get me if Moose had black fur.

Zeal sent a glare towards the child causing her to duck back behind the old lady's protection. Every ounce of Zeal's bad attitude could be blamed on his mother, Mabel. Well, I never met his father, but Zeal practically represented the younger male version of Mabel.

I'd heard somewhere that Mabel meant loveable, but don't be fooled. She'd beat you upside the head with her walking stick and not even blink an eye. Moose, of course, was an exception. Moose had a special place in Mabel's stone sculpture shaped like a heart in the middle of her chest.

Even her own son stood no chance against the adorable brown-eyed runt. Zeal spoke through clenched teeth, "How rude. Is there anything I can assist you with now that you're awake?"

"You could start by not pestering the kittens. They've got enough on their plates and you should too. Back in my day, we didn't have time to play games. Sure we teased 'em, but your behavior's gotten out of hand these past few years," yelled Mabel in her croaky, but strong voice. She held her stick up and pointed it at her son accusingly.

"This is no game," said Zeal, trying hard to keep his cool. "And they are no kittens. These cat semi-humans have the capability to put S.H.H.A. in danger. Due to the absence of our previous leader's companions, and the early inauguration of Misha, I have been tasked with the responsibility of keeping her in check."

"You mean you bestowed yourself that responsibility," correct Mabel, her walking stick swinging dangerously close to Zeal's head.

"It's the obvious decision considering my position," replied Zeal, his face completely neutral. His eyes only left Mabel's to glance towards the sisters as he talked.

Mabel chuckled, but her laughter didn't reach her eyes. It didn't reach her mouth either which was still stuck in a frown. "Considering your position huh? It is true that Misha has much to learn, however, I believe Boss made it very clear that it's not your place to teach her. Some things she has to learn on her own."

"You're suggesting I let her risk S.H.H.A. just so she can learn the hard way? Is that what you think Boss wanted?" Zeal's temper flared up in his voice.

Mabel brushed his words off with a wave of her stick. "I'm suggesting you take a few chill pills and fix up that attitude of yours. I am still your mother and I can still break bones with this here walkin' stick."

Ninja snickered, but Zeal still managed to push his anger down after a glare in her direction. I awkwardly shifted my weight from foot to foot, my tail twitching out of control. The sisters may have been having great fun, but I for one wanted to curl up in a cat tree and hibernate the rest of my life.

"Whether you like it or not, Boss and Maxima chose Misha. We've both been 'round a little longer than the rest of you youngins, but I'd bet my walking stick ol' Maxima's still got a few tricks up her sleeves," spoke Mabel as if she were good friends with Maxima. She's old enough to have been, I thought, too afraid to say it out loud.

I swear Zeal almost rolled his eyes, but the black tabby kept his dignity. "I suppose I can cope... for now," he said before swinging his body around and walking off as saying "whatever" in the most dignified, mature fashion I had ever seen.

"So," said Ninja, drawing out the 'so' as she inched closer to me. "That just happened."

"Yep," I replied, not yet relieved since Zeal's mom was still standing there, watching Zeal's retreat. "That definitely happened."

Mabel turned back to face the three of us, her scowl deepening impossibly further. "Up to no good again I see. Don't think I did this for you little mongrel. If not for this runt's jabbering, I wouldn't even be here."

Moose slipped out from behind Mabel, a smile lighting up her face. "Miss Misha!" She shouted before blushing at her outburst, "I-I'm glad you and your friend are okay." The little brunette looked down at the ground and rubbed her hands together in embarrassment.

"Friend of yours?" Asked Marshmallow in her usual emotionless voice.

I looked at the girl who was shaking her head, about to respond, but I cut her off, "I guess you could call her that. Marshmallow, Ninja, this is Moose, and Zeal's mom is Mabel. Mabel, Moose, this is Marshmallow and Ninja."

"Friend?! I'm n-not so sure t-that really fits-" Mooses's rushed talking was cut off by Ninja's laughter.

"Moose? Really? More like Mouse."

Mabel added on to Ninja's remarks at Moose's size, "Just wait till ya see her in cat form. She looks like a miniature black bear cub." Mabel joined along with Ninja's laughter.

"Well this wasn't what I expected," said a familiar voice to my right with a heavy Irish accent. I whipped my face around to see my sister walking beside Ilene. "Here I was thinking I'd have to bail you out again."

"Pudding!" I practically screamed before throwing myself at the dark brown mottled cat. She playfully dodged my incoming body, causing me to face plant into the ground. With a mouthful of dry, dusty earth, I coughed and asked, "What are you doing here?"

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