Don't Be Reckless

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Warm summer air flooded through the door, but with it came the distinct scent of oil that tainted the fresh breeze. Like poison seeping through the sweet fragrance of flowers and intoxicating the lungs that breathed it in.

The grey-haired girl shut her eyes and exhaled as she felt the transformation begin. Starting from her toes, fingers, and the tips of her hair, the 18-year-old girl -or at least what she appeared to be in human age- disintegrated into deep purple dust within seconds. All that was left was her clothes piled on the floor and a grey tabby emerging from the head hole of her shirt.

Her eyes were set on the door, and so were her paws. However, her hazel haired sister dashed between her and the door. Smores pressed her tan hands into the folds of her shirt as if frightened, but her eyes held no fear as they bore into the tabby's.

"Marshmallow, what's happening?" She asked, urging the genes Brownie and Squmpkin possessed to turn her usually dainty voice into a weapon, "You can't leave us again Marsh. You can't leave us in the dark."

"Don't worry," replied Marshmallow. Her mind was still set on rejoining Ninja, and it showed through her distracted voice. "This isn't the first time this has happened. Me and Ninja can take care of it. Find somewhere safe to hide, all of you."

Smores was about to argue, but the red faced and flustered Emsea stole the words right out of her mouth, "There's no way you're following Ninja! I don't know what's going on, but whoever's out there didn't come to join us for breakfast."

Emsea didn't bother hiding the venom from her voice while speaking Ninja's name. The others were used to it; the two of them had maintained that delightful relationship since birth.

"Ninja's covering for me. I have to go help her," insisted Marshmallow, but Smores didn't move out of her way. Marshmallow didn't doubt for a second Ninja's small talk wouldn't last long with the hot headed robot, or to be more exact, hot headed cat. Emsea wasn't the only one Ninja didn't get along well with.

"Emsea's right," said Brownie, much to Marshmallow's dismay. Not that she expected anything else from her sister. "We're not just leaving you and Ninja."

Emsea mumbled dejectedly, "Like I care about Ninja. I was just saying Marsh–"

"We can help you Marshmallow," pleaded Smores, her hands closed into tight fists. 

"No. It's too dangerous," insisted Marshmallow, almost feeling bad about denying them. Almost. She wouldn't allow her siblings to get hurt. It was the least she could do after abandoning them for four years.

The tabby pushed past her sister and bolted towards the door. Just in case the message wasn't clear, she swung her head over her shoulder and announced, "Don't be reckless."

However, deep down she knew nothing she said would change their opinion. That was just how her litter was. Stubborn from the day they were born to the day they would die.


The moment Ninja passed through the doorway, the big chunk of metal noticed her. Like really, why did he always make his machines look like kid's toys?

Ninja sat on the top step of the porch, her chin pointing up towards the rising sun, waiting for Gear's warm greeting. Her rose pink cape covered the white fur beneath her chin like a scarf and stood out against her thick black coat.

"Well look who's here!" His annoyingly loud robotic voice rang out. Couldn't he put a little effort into his designs and at least make the voice sound somewhat human? "Hiding away in a little old farmhouse now?"

"Oh, you know," replied Ninja with her signature smirk. "Decided the whole "hero" thing was a bit much and came here to start a living as humble farmers. Lots of milk- white and chocolate. We've been think'n about trying out pink cows next. Strawberry milk's my favorite."

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