Stubbornly Confident

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The relatively short road trip from their house to Slider's River Camp was not how Marshmallow had imagined her first family adventure. She'd heard the jokes about traveling with family, but she didn't like to think they would apply to her own. Considering the members, though, Marshmallow probably should have rethought that assumption.

The first half of the ride, which lasted at most ten minutes at the speed Gypsy was driving, was held in awkward silence with Marshmallow glaring at the scenery, absorbing every detail as if it would distract her from everything that had happened.

Brownie respected Ninja's space and didn't start up a conversation. Ninja still felt bad about leaving Marshmallow's side during the argument and wasn't in the mood to talk.

Beside Brownie, having gotten over her ecstatic energy, Smores lay on her side, occasionally exchanging a few hushed words. Marshmallow could feel their worry glazed eyes pricking the fur on the back of her neck.

Gypsy and Brisby were the only two actually in the blue pickup truck. In human form, Gypsy had waist-length jet black hair French braided around the left side of her head. Brown freckles and marks peppered her ebony arms, adding to her natural beauty.

Talking to Xena, Brownie learned that Gypsy was sixteen semi-human years old despite appearing more mature. And, if you were wondering, sixteen semi-human years old was the equivalent to ten human years old. So she looked and acted like a mature sixteen-year-old young lady, but was actually only alive for ten years.

Back on topic, about halfway through the ride, Ninja finally gathered enough courage to speak to her sulking sister. "Marsh, I'm so-"

Marshmallow, not even looking at Ninja, cut her off. "I know, this is what you wanted all along. Who am I to think you would stick by my side when it really came down to it?"

Even to her own ears, it sounded petty. Ninja hadn't dreamed of becoming a hero nor did she despise being in that household. If Marshmallow hadn't pleaded for her to join in on the adventures, Ninja never would have. 

Ironically, it was Marshmallow who lingered on the thoughts of her siblings. Every day, worrying if they were okay. Ninja loathed it- committing to a decision only halfway. She had chosen to follow Marshmallow, but Marshmallow only walked in circles.

Ninja had been selfless, and all Marshmallow repaid her with was selfishness.

But she couldn't help feeling betrayed. Marshmallow never had much, but Ninja's loyalty was her most prized possession. It hadn't come cheap, and Marshmallow did everything she could to not lose it. So where did she go wrong? When did Ninja stop trusting her?

"That's not what I was going to say," replied Ninja in a lower voice, regretting her decision to speak at all. She frowned, hoping Marshmallow could feel her stare.

Ninja hadn't meant to upset Marshmallow. Even if she did want her siblings to come along, she would have spoken to her first rather than just spring the decision on her all of the sudden. But in the heat of the moment, Ninja felt like that was the right choice. She felt like, no, she knew it would end up better for Marshmallow.

Ninja knew Marshmallow didn't want her siblings to experience the same life they had those first few years on their own. But, they had just joined a hero organization that could teach them in a controlled environment. What better time to allow their siblings to join them?

And plus, Ninja felt that if she didn't make that decision then and there, their siblings would have never forgiven them. Despite what Marshmallow was trying to silently guilt trip her into, Ninja did care about her siblings. She knew they all, even Emsea, looked up to Marshmallow, but Marshmallow only looked down on them. It wasn't fair, and they deserved the chance to prove themselves.

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