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A/N - Rewrite date - 13/11/2020, newer chapter y'all! Removing Pov in favor of switches and I'm going to put clear warnings in this little section if there are any starting now ❤❤❤

Warning: Slight verbal harassment / cat calling. ❤❤❤

Roxanne, age 19 nickname Roxy Foxy

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Roxanne, age 19 nickname Roxy Foxy.


It was a sunny day in Phoenix. Was being the word, they were now more than halfway to their new home in Santa carla. It had been a beautiful day, made even more so by the siblings dad and mother's now ex husband being away from the house as they gathered their things for the move. Everything had been packed away, boxed and stuffed into the back.

Lucy had tried not to look back as they left the family home in Phoenix for the last time, knowing it was going to be hard on everyone.

Michael, Sam and Roxanne were sitting bunched up in the back of the car, occasionally feeling Nanook’s panting on the backs of their necks. It must have been the second hour on the road and the games were wearing thin, there wasn’t much else to do but count cars or try and squeeze more information about their new home from Lucy.

Moving was always such a bummer but it promised new beginnings and new opportunities, even if they couldn’t quite see that yet. Michael was clearly just getting over the move for mom just as Roxanne had, but her little brother Sam on the other hand couldn't hide his emotions quite as well. Sam had understood why they had to move for their mothers sake but still couldn't stop himself from feeling upset about it. No one couldn't blame him, he was popular in school, had plenty of friends and had a crush on a girl he would have asked out before they had to move. For Sam it was awfully unfair and seemed like his life was over, more so evident by the way he gloomily watched out the windows of the highway. There truly wasn’t anything to look at for miles to quench his boredom.

Lucy tried to lighten the dull and silent mood by singing with the radio, "groovin' on a Sunday afternoooon.” Sam and Michael recoiled whilst Roxanne laughed. Sam begged to change the channel and wrinkled his nose playfully at the singing.

The channel changed and again and again.

"Nope, definitely not, next, hey wait what's that smell?" Sam asked, not so subtly rolling up his window. Michael and Roxanne had it just as bad, making a slight face.

And again.

It smelt off like smoke, saltiness and stale oil.

"Its probably just the fresh ocean air sweetie, the boardwalk is close to where grandpa stays" Lucy responded happily and got lost in the memories. For her there was nothing quite like going back to your childhood home. Sam tried to hold his nose when the smell didn’t dissipate. "Smells like something’s died."

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