little coopers×schlatt

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Requested by: gramps_is_pressed

3rd POV:

Cooper was in his room editing a video but his computer kept on giving him problems so he was to stressed. "Oh my god!" Cooper screamed and just deleted the editing. Cooper was soon at the point where he was crying. "Hey cooper are you ok?" Cooper looked up at his door and saw schlatt standing their. "No im not ok! I have to get this video uploaded by tomorrow but my computer is having problems and now I-!" "Hey calm down cooper ok just relax ok." Schlatt said as he walked up to cooper. When schlatt got to cooper he noticed an adult pacifier next to coopers computer.

 When schlatt got to cooper he noticed an adult pacifier next to coopers computer

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Schlatt grabbed the pacifier and asked if cooper was a care giver. "No im a little actually." Cooper says and looks away. Schlatt only smiled and cooed at what cooper said. "You don't need to be embarrassed cooper. I think that's adorable." Schlatt said and cooper looked at him. "I never went into little space because I'm-" "your what coop?" "Because I'm scared." Cooper said and turned away from schlatt. "Hey there's nothing to be scared of ok." Schlatt said. "Really?" "Yes really! I'm here for you ok." Schlatt said. This made cooper turn back to schlatt. "O-otay." Cooper said and schlatt smiled and gave cooper the pacifier which cooper gladly took. Schlatt chuckled and picked cooper up. "Your to cute you know that." Schlatt said and tickled cooper a little making cooper giggle. When schlatt stopped he went to coopers bed and placed cooper on the bed. "I'll be right back ok." Schlatt said and left the room only for cooper to snap out of his little space. Cooper got up and went to his closet. He opened his closest and grabbed a fish onesie that had a little fish hood. He put the onesie on and went back to sitting on the bed waiting for schlatt to get back. After 10 minutes schlatt a came back to see cooper in the fish onesie and he was holding a goat plushie as well. Soon schlatt came back with the guys which made cooper get wide eyes from it. "Hey cooper I told the guys about you being a little and they want to see little you." Schlatt exclaims and sits next to cooper. "I-I can't do it schlatt. I-!" Cooper was pulled into a hug. "Its ok I'm here ok. You'll be ok. I'm here." Schlatt continued to whisper sweet nothings into coopers ear as cooper started to slowly slip into his little mindset. "Ok ready bud?" Schlatt asked and cooper gave a little nod. Cooper looked at the guys then looked back at schlatt who was smiling. "Its ok bud don't be scared." Schlatt said and cooper looked back at the guys and said "hewwo."
~time skip~
"Nu top it!" Cooper screamed of laughter while being tickled by charlie and noah. "Swatt p'ease!" Cooper laughed as he tried and crawl to schlatt. "Hey im going out to get something ok charlie and noah will watch you while I'm gone." Schlatt said and then he left making cooper cry a little. "Hey its ok!" Charlie said and hugged cooper as he started to snap out of his little mindset. "Hey it's ok don't worry ok bud I promise he'll return." Noah said and grabbed coopers goat plush giving it to him. With out schlatt around cooper was snapping out of his little space. By the time schlatt got home cooper was back to normal and had the hood of the onesie down. Once schlatt got home he saw cooper in the corner in a ball. "He needs you schlatt." Noah said and pointed to cooper. "Hey bud I'm home and I got you coloring books!" Schlatt said and cooper looked up and had a smile on his face. "Papa!" Cooper said.

At the end of it all cooper was in his little space. And cooper and schlatt cuddled from the day that they had.

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