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The five year boy was excited to meet his neighbors next door as he and his family just moved from their old home. "Winnie! Do you want to greet your neighbors? They might have a friend you could play with." Win nods quickly as he dodges for his shoes that were waiting for him at the door, well, technically, bunny slippers but no one has to know.

"Come on, Ma before they sleep!"

It was two o'clock in the afternoon.

Nonetheless, Win and his mother head over to the moderate looking house that was apparently quite similar to the one they stay in—just a different texture. "I'll knock!" the boy charges already has his fist against the door knocking three times.

A few seconds later, a tall male appears to open the door, his posture intimidated Win so much that he hid behind his mother's dress. Soon after a lady came by his side and the adults were greeting each other humbly. During this whole time, Win continued to be 'safe' in the shadows of his mother until he was told to introduce himself. "Tell them your name, sweetie."

"My name is Win and I'm five years old." He greets showing five fingers to the couple. "Oh he is so adorable! We also have a son, he's seven. He is at his friends house today so I'm sorry Win couldn't play with him today."

Win's mood had dropped automatically, the pout has been ignited. All he wanted was to make friends on his first day but no one will play with him. First day, fail.

Two weeks has passed by and Win has already grown accustom to his neighborhood. He has made plenty of friends as others keep visiting to welcome them—however, there is one person who he has not befriended and it bothers him.

Bright Chivaaree.

His next door neighbors son. They never met because Bright constantly keeps going over a friends house every time the boy visits and that really frustrates him. Why, you may ask? Bright potentially was supposed to be Win's first ever friend ever since he moved here, but he ruined it by being absent.

I will meet you Phi'Bright!

Win was currently playing soccer with his friends, Kao and JJ. This trio clicked automatically when they were fighting over the last ice cream from the ice cream man... No one got it.

As they were kicking back and forth, the ball rolled to the other side of the street. "One, two, three, not it!"

"Not it!"


Win was forced to go get the ball so he quickly ran over (looking both ways of course) grabbed the ball and was about to cross back but noticed his shoes were untied. He ties them without noticing a car coming close and resumes to cross the street once again.

"Hey, look out!" A voice shouts, definitely not familiar to Win.

He is soon grabbed by the collar and is dragged back to the sidewalk where the ball was and a car had quickly passed by as if he wasn't there.

Win turns to look and see a unfamiliar face, "are you stupid? Did your mom ever told you to look both ways before crossing?! You could have gotten hurt!" The boy shouts at him.

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