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Bright being nervous is definitely understandable considering this will be the first time in 14 years seeing each other face to face, breathing the same air once again. He finds it crazy how everything just happened in the span of 4 months, maybe if he never made those subtle captions towards Win, he would continue on doing his own thing knowing his best friend would have forgotten him forever.

The boys agreed to meet at a cafe that was not too far from either of their homes but also not too crowded as well so it won't draw any attention to Bright. The cafe's theme was heavily inspired by nature, an outdoor/indoor restaurant with soothing music that could easily make you fall asleep. Bright indulged himself into the music until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turns around to see the boy he's been yearning for, the boy who has made a great impact on who he is today. Win Metawin.

"I'm sorry if I made you wait too long, the traffic was incredibly bad-" The younger was cut off by strong arms wrapping around his shoulders pulling him into a tight but comfortable hug that was filled such emotion and feelings that couldn't be portrayed through words. "I missed you," Bright whispers huskily into his shoulder.

"I missed you so much." a part of Win was slightly embarrassed to be hugging in the middle of the cafe even though it was empty with only one employee who was paying no attention to the boys. But the other part—majority of Win just said fuck it, so he hugged back with just as much force. "I missed you too, I'm sorry." He replies but his voice went soft as he said sorry. Bright heard it anyway.

He pulls back from the hug to look at the younger, "There's nothing to be sorry for, it's not something you were able to control. Don't ever say you're sorry." He says firmly.

Win grins happily and then nods as an understanding.

They had received their drinks and were sitting across from each other just enjoying the peaceful moment. Bright was the first to start a conversation, "How've you been these past years?" Win had thought about the question before answering. How have I been doing? "Well a year after I was hospitalized, I graduated and went off to college with a major in Media Arts and a minor in Economics. I'm now in my last year which is quite exciting but also scary. I feel as though I'm not ready to completely enter adulthood, there's so many things that I still want to do.

For starters, I would like to go bungee jumping and travel to Germany so I can see all the beautiful castles. But I'm afraid that I won't have any time to do the things I want.." He looks up to find Bright just staring at him as if he is out of this world. But Win being shy just apologizes for rambling, "I'm sorry, I talk way too much." He laughs as he scratches the back of his neck.

"I don't mind, if anything, I found it quite adorable." Bright reassures him.

If Win's face wasn't red before, then it definitely is now. He kind of just forgot that he is still a big fan of Bright so you could imagine the things it did to his heart.

"Enough about me, what about you? I can tell you have a lot of stories." He teases Bright who just simply smiles shaking his head.

"To be honest, there's not much of a story that I have. After me and my family moved to the states, it all just sort of went downhill. Mainly it was because the language barrier stopped me from making any new friends until around middle school. I didn't have any strong bonds with the students so they just came and went all the way to sophomore year which is when I wanted to pursue my career as a model. And well I guess you already know that. I came back to Thailand around the same time you were hospitalized. Then my career built up but that's about it." Bright concludes taking another sip of his drink.

The atmosphere that was created around was so calming and relaxed as if they haven't seen each other in 14 years. It just seems as if they've been friends all this time, this will definitely be something they would cherish.

They continue to talk hours upon hours just getting to know each other and having a good time in a empty cafe. Their conversation continues on until the barista had told them that they were preparing to close. "I didn't even realize we were talking for that long. I guess that's what happens when you have so many things to catch up on." Bright says as they walked out of the cafe.

Win laughs, "yeah." he wanted to ask if they could meet again but apparently Bright was thinking the same thing as well.

"Would you like to hangout again?"
"Can we meet again?"

They both looked at each other with wide eyes before laughing out loud. Win was the first to calm down, "I think that would be really nice but," there was a long pause they made the latter anxious on what he would say.

"Can go somewhere more fun? I'm not a fan of cafes. Perhaps the amusement park, the mall or roller skating? See those are fun and exciting- wait I'm not trying to say what we did was NOT exciting but-" Bright covered Win's mouth with his finger looking at him fondly, "You're rambling again,"

Win smiles shyly at the action but brushes it off as nothing, "but yeah I think that would be fun, just give me a date and time and we'll make it happen." Bright retracts his finger putting it back inside his pockets.

"Please be mindful of your schedule, you're literally a model and actor getting booked left and right, tell ME when you're free." Win argued in pout because of the older's decision.

Bright just shakes his head in fondness and changes the subject, "how did you come here?"

"By bus."

"I came by car, I could walk you to the bus stop if you'd like." Pointing at the black car as he suggested but was immediately declined. "No it's okay! It's not that far from here."

Bright would be lying if he said that didn't hurt him a bit but he nodded, "well I guess I will leave first, my manager didn't know I would be out this late." As he said that he starts backing up to where his car is.

"Alright, I will see you later?" Win asks hopeful.

The older smiles fondly, "of course. Remember to message me when you get home." Win nods as he starts waving at the retreating car until he no longer sees. He takes a deep inhale.

"WHAT THE FUCK I JUST MET MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND WHO GOES BY THE NAME OF BRIGHT VACHIRAWIT CHIVAAREE HOLY SHIT!" He yells jumping in the air not paying any mind to the barista who had witnessed the whole thing.

When he turns around that's when he was aware of his surroundings. He made eye contact with the barista before walking away in a hurry to get out of the embarrassing situation.

As he's walking to the bus stop, he smiles about how everything happened all of sudden. It's amazing how I just wanted Bright to notice me but here we are.




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