Chapter 3

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"He talked to you!?" Vladimir practically yells in excitement. "Oh my gosh. This is so cute!" 

"Vlad, you're acting like a fangirl," I warn, but he waves me off, jumping on his bed happily.

"I don't even care. This is so adorable!"

"Vladimir, you're straight," I comment, flashing him a confused look as he rolls his eyes.

"I still ship it."

I sigh, laughing quietly to myself as I sit upon my bed, taking in the dark, sophisticated atmosphere of the room Vlad and I share. It's rather cramped and simple, but it's a nice room nonetheless. Climbing under the covers, I ignore the Romanian boy's obnoxious squeals and the creaks of his bed. 

"Uh, Arthur," the boy says, ceasing his movements. 

"I'm trying to sleep," I state, and he scoffs in reply.

"This is a little more important."

Letting my eyes fly open, I turn around in bed, feeling my body hate me for staying awake. In the far end of the room, the entrance, there is a white figure, glowing like a Patronus charm. It's an otter, swimming in circles in mid air as it makes rather adorable noises. 

"Why is The Headmaster summoning you?" he asks curiously, appearing cautious around the creature. 

I get up, putting the rest of my outfit back on before following after the animal with a shrug. "I have no idea, but it must be important." I follow the otter, traversing through the castle after a small goodbye to Vlad, who still looks confused out of his mind. The small creature leads me all the way up to the headmaster's office, where the kind woman sits in her large desk. 

Warily looking around at all of the books that litter the floor and shelves and the fat cat that sits in the corner, I enter with a small knock. The old woman looks up from her book with a kind smile, setting it to the side as she brushes a wispy, grey strand of hair out of her eyes.

"Arthur, come in," she says, gesturing for me to sit across from her. I do as I'm told and sit down, casting her a questioning look that makes her smile awkwardly, as if she doesn't know what she should say. "I've something to tell you."

"What is, Professor Weasley?" I ask, making her smile fondly.

"Please, call me Hermione," she reprimands gently before sighing. "I've been notified that there is a student looking into a certain topic," she says gently, and I already know where this is going.

"Seraphs," I state, feeling my heart sink. "Who?" 

"Alfred F. Jones," she returns, raising her perfectly plucked eyebrows. "Do you know him?"

I nod, feeling my stomach revolt against me. I suddenly have the urge to vomit. "Why is he looking into it?" I ask, wishing he weren't the one looking into it.

"I'm not sure, but we need to hide the records before he finds out," she tells me, and I nod. "Deliver the message to the librarian."

Nodding, I bid the headmaster farewell and head out from the room, trotting down the stairs and heading towards the library. My feet pound against the floor, echoing wildly in the empty halls. It's loud and in my ears, making me want to wince, but I'm too focused on running. Why the hell is Alfred looking into this? The thought is kind of terrifying. I don't want him to find out.

Not paying attention to where I'm going, I slam straight into someone's chest, falling to the ground in a daze. 

"Whoa, dude, are you okay?" Alfred asks, holding out a hand to me. He helps me up without any say on my part, pulling me up almost too quickly.

"S-Sorry," I apologize, scratching at the back of my head. "I'm kind of in a hurry."

"That's cool," he returns awkwardly, shuffling with some of the books he's holding. "Hey, do you want to hang out with me later? I'm planning on going into the woods for a walk, and I'd like it if you came with me." His cheeks fill with a bright blush that has me grinning. 

"I'd love to," I return, feeling my own cheeks heat up as the American's face lights up in excitement.

"Great! Meet me outside the Great Hall in an hour," he says, ruffling my hair before rushing off, cheeks red as cherries the entire time.

"Bloody hell, he is cute," I whisper, feeling a lazy grin stain my face. Shaking my head after a knowing look from one of the ghosts that roam these halls, I brace myself and push those thoughts aside.

I need to focus here. It's not the time to think about how good he looks in tight pants. God dammit. Ignoring the slight problem going on downstairs, I hurry off to the library. Needless to say, the librarian is a slightly shocked to see me in there again, especially panting and frantic.

"The headmaster says that the books on Seraphs have to be unavailable to students." I pant, having run when I'm not very athletic and talk right afterwards was not a good idea.

The woman's eyes widen. "Oh, dear, I'm sorry," she tells me, scared and worried.

"What happened?" I ask, feeling my heart start to sink into my stomach.

She looks around. "A student has already checked them out." The woman bites at her bottom lip, and I cringe. 

"What student?" I whisper weakly. Please don't let it be who I think it will be.

"Alfred F. Jones," she returns, looking confused.

"God dammit." Gritting my teeth in frustration, I tug at the locks atop my head. "I have to go, but if there are any left, make sure they're off limits." She nods, watching me leave in a state of confusion and worry.

Racing through the halls, I hurry to the Great Hall. It's been about ten or fifteen minutes, but I have no idea where else I should go. He won't be here for about fifty minutes, and I don't feel like waiting that long. I have no choice, though.

Sitting down on the floor, I grin when my cat, Salem -- a beautiful, sleek black cat, meets me in front of the large doors. He must have tracked me here. He sits down beside me, snuggling into my side. I run my fingers through his soft black fur, making the creature purr. His head falls against me, and I start to gently untangle the knots of his thick fur with my fingers.

I'm going to be waiting for a while, aren't I?


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to leave any comments and such if you have them. They always make my day :) Oh, and I still need ideas for a plot for my Eric and Peter fic. Please feel free to leave them. I NEED IDEAS D: Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next udpate! Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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