Chapter 4

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"Salem, look," I say, holding out my wand with a magic cat toy coming out from the end. It's a spell I first learned when I got the cat. I wiggle the small feather toy in front of him, causing the feline to crouch, rear end sticking up as he prepares to pounce. I move it right as he makes it to the spot where the object once was, giggling as he misses.


I turn to find Alfred standing a few feet away, hand over his mouth and on the verge of bursting into a fit of laughter. My cheeks flame, and I immediately stand up. "Uh, hi," I greet, and he chuckles, walking forward to stand about a foot away.

I lift my wand to end the spell and put it away, only to find Salem hanging onto it. I pull it up, raising it into the air and dragging the cat -- who is clinging to it like his life depends on it -- with it. Alfred laughs, making my cheeks turn a bright red.

"Bloody hell, Salem," I murmur, ending the spell and causing the cat to fall to the ground, where he manages to land on his feet. His ears flatten, and he meows, swishing his fluffy tail in protest. "Sorry, poppet," I state, bending down and picking him up. "Play time is over."

He paws gently at my face, thankfully keeping his claws at bay, meowing again. "Awe, that is so cute!" Alfred cries, grinning widely.

"Want to hold him?" I ask, and he nods eagerly, holding out his arms for the cat. Thankfully, my little kitty is such a sweetheart, and he's a good judge of character.

Alfred takes him into his arms, and Salem immediately crawls up his arm, curling up on his right shoulder, nuzzling and purring loudly. "Is this a good sign?" Alfred asks, stroking Salem's slender body gently.

"Yes," I say with a gentle laugh, reaching up to stroke my beloved cat's fur. "That means he likes you."

He grins. "He's not the only one, is he?" Alfred asks gently, slowly grabbing my hand and holding it in his, intertwining our fingers. His voice is hopeful and soft.

"It's not looking that way," I tease, grinning softly as my cheeks turn red. 

"Then, let's make that a definite answer," he whispers, making chills run down my spine. "Let's go," he says, stepping away slowly so Salem doesn't fall from his shoulder.

He tugs on my hand, and I follow him without hesitation as he leads us both towards the forest. It's a beautiful scene, and it makes me sigh dreamily, seeing the moonlight filter through the trees. I didn't think it would get dark so soon, but I'm kind of glad. Alfred looks beautiful in the moonlight.

"What's your favorite color?" he asks absently, and I grin. 

"Blue," I state, and he grins widely at me. Ignoring the obvious look, I return the question.

"Green," he murmurs, looking into my eyes in an erotically romantic way.

"Don't be a doof," I tease, playfully bumping him with my arm. 

He laughs. "You're the doof, doof."

"Clever. Think that one up yourself?"

"Hardy har har. I'm British. Bloody hell. Wanker. Scones and  tea, blah, blah, blah," he recites, doing the absolute worst impression of a British accent that I want to cry.

I burst into a fit of laughter, stopping and doubling over in the effort as the air escapes from my lungs. "Bloody hell," I wheeze, weak with amusement. 

"You're definitely cute when you laugh," Alfred states, smirking at the playful glare I give. I don't know why, but I feel so at ease with him, like I can tease him without him thinking that it's serious or insulting. It's nice, reassuring.

"You're cute all the time, though," I counter before realizing just how revealing my statement is. It's not like he's being very shy, though, so I don't really think I have to worry so much about the suggestive things I say.

"What about me is cute?" the American counters, raising an eyebrow at me.

Caught off guard, I stutter a little bit before composing myself. "W-Well, I like you're eyes," I start, looking to my feet. "And your smile." I look up to find Alfred wearing one of the biggest grins I've ever seen on anyone ever. "Oh, don't look so smug. You probably hear things like this all the time."

He shrugs nonchalantly. "Yeah, it's true that I do have people hit on me a lot," he says, and I roll my eyes at the smugness of his tone. I didn't think he was that full of himself... "But it only means something when I hear it coming from you."

My breath hitches at the last sentence, and I look to his eyes out of curiosity. His face reads honesty, and it's almost too intense for me to handle, causing me to look away with a blush. "You're a bloody dork, Alfred."

He chuckles deeply, and I somehow find myself backed against a tree, our bodies pressed together intimately. "Only around the people I'm falling for," he murmurs into my ear, the heated breath causing sparks along my spine.

"Alfred, we just met," I warn.

He looks me in the eyes, and I can see now that his have a greyish quality to them. It's almost completely unnoticeable, but he's so close that I can't help but see it. "As embarrassing as it is to admit, I've liked you for a long time. This is the first time I decided to grow a pair and ask you out. Also, my friend said that if I didn't finally ask you out, he'd put fire ants in my bed."

I can't help but laugh at that, watching his fae go from seductive to embarrassed in an instant is quite possibly one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. "I thought you never noticed me," I whisper, absently tracing my fingertips along his jaw line.

He smiles softly. "You noticed me, too?"

I nod, smiling gently as I study his soft lips fondly. I want to kiss him rather badly right now. Salem meows, sitting up on Alfred's shoulder as his bushy tail swings lazily behind him. "What is it?" I ask the cat, knowing he's much smarter than any normal cat. We're close enough that Salem's front paws end up on my shoulder and his rear ones end up on Alfred's. 

He paws at my face, hitting my lips before turning to Alfred and pawing at his. The implications make me blush. "Dude, your cat is scary smart," Alfred comments as Salem jumps to the ground gracefullly, turning towards us and meowing with what sounds like conviction.

"I think my cat ships us," I state, making him laugh.

"He's not the only one," he murmurs, grinning proudly and not even bothering to hide the fact that his gaze flickers to my lips.

Not being able to stop the smile that stains my features, I shake my head, wrapping my arms loosely around his shoulders. "Shut up," I murmur, leaning in and kissing him.


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to leave any comments and suggestions if you have them, and PLEASE HELP ME. ;-; I AM AT A LOSS FOR A PLOT FOR ERIC AND PETER. MAYDAY MAYDAY. And if you haven't read Teachers USUK by me, then you won't understand what that means, so ignore it. Phew got that out of my system... Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update! Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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