Chapter 6

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"Arthur, there's a problem."

I raise a thick eyebrow at the headmaster, wondering what she means as my blood runs cold. "What's going on?" I return, clasping my hands together nervously.

She sighs, running a hand through her thick, grey locks. "That student, Alfred F. Jones, the one looking into seraphs, was caught trying to perform a summoning ritual."

"Shit," I curse, feeling my heart sink to my stomach. "What does that mean for us?"

"It means he's getting too close." She sighs again. "I'm aware of your relationship, which is why I need you to talk to him, amongst other reasons."

"What am I supposed to do? How do I even bring that up?"

She gives me a dry stare. "You've been dating for, what, four weeks--"

"Six weeks," I correct, blushing in embarrassment when she gives me a glare for interrupting her. "Sorry."

"You've been dating long enough that you should know how to bring this topic up. I'm counting on you to handle these matters." She stands up from her desk, walking around and wrapping a gentle arm around my shoulders. "I know this is scary, but now is the time to be brave. You know of the consequences if his search continues."

I swallow thickly. "I'm not a Gryffindor, Professor. I'm not brave enough."

She smiles gently. "While it's true that Gryffindor is known for bravery, that doesn't mean that you can only be brave if you belong to that house. Plenty of people from Ravenclaw are loyal, and plenty from Gryffindor are manipulative. Your traits don't define you. Your actions determine who you are."

I smile softly at that, and she gently ruffles my hair. "Thank you, Professor," I murmur, swallowing and mustering up all the courage in my body, which isn't very much to be honest. I step away from her grasp, and she gives me a concerned look. "I'll go talk to Alfred now," I say, hastily leaving the room.

"Good luck, Arthur," she calls out after me, just before the door shuts behind me.

Traversing the halls, I go almost too slowly. I know I'm scared about talking to Alfred, and I have no idea how to even start this rather risky conversation. It takes me about twenty minutes to find him, sitting by the edge of the Black Lake.

I sit beside him but about a foot away. I have a bad feeling about this conversation. I just know this isn't going to end well.

"Artie?" He sounds concerned, and I reluctantly face him, hoping to have some sort of idea of what I should say.

"I need to talk to you," I start, and his face falls. "It's about Seraphs," I add, hoping he doesn't think that I'm breaking up with him. 

His face becomes rather relieved before turning confused. "What about Seraphs?" he counters, almost looking a little suspicious of me.

I swallow thickly. "You need to stop looking into them," I warn, hoping he understands that I'm trying to protect him. "It's dangerous."

"What are you talking about? Arthur, what do you know?" That's the first time he's called me by my real name in weeks, and I wince. He's serious, and he even sounds angry.

"I can't say, Alfred. I just need you to stop."

He stands this time, and I stand up as well. I don't want him looking down on me. "What do you mean? Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you!" I return, taking a step towards him on impulse, but he steps away. And I know with a heavy heart where this is going. "And I need you to trust me on this."

"How can I trust you, if you can't even trust me, Arthur?" I wince at that.

"Alfred, please, you can't look into this anymore." I reach out to him, but he whips his arm away, seemingly disgusted with me.

"We're supposed to be in a relationship, but you don't even trust me..." His brows furrow, jaw clenching in anger, and I feel my stomach flipping around nervously in response.

"Alfred, this isn't a matter of trust!" I state, hoping he listens, needing him to listen, but all he does is shake his head.

"Maybe not to you, but it sure as hell feels like it to me," he says bitterly, and I wince again, eyes burning with tears that I know will eventually fall. "Maybe they were right," he says after a moment.


"Maybe Francis and them were right. Maybe it was a mistake to date a Slytherin." My ears barely comprehend the words I'm hearing. No, this can't be happening. Please let this be a bad dream. "Maybe you are all filth."

I can practically feel my heart shatter at those last words, my entire body becomind numb as tears start to spill freely, practically soaking my face. Judging by his wide eyes, he's finally realized what he's said. Robotically, I remove the dogtags that hang from my neck, one of the presents he gave me when we first started dating, and I hand it back to him, not daring to look in his eyes. "Okay," I state, voice hollow. I feel so broken that I can't even scream like I want to. Everything just feels so numb.

I step back, and only then does he reach out for me. "Iggy..."

Normally, I'd shout at him to not call me that, and he'd make up for it with a kiss, but that's not going to happen, is it? "Goodbye," I state, feeling only my heartbeat as the rhythm fills my ears.

Without another look, I turn away, stalking back to the castle with clunky, robotic movements. I'm not even controlling my body anymore. It's moving on impulse and memory. I make it passed other students ignoring their pitiful and hateful stares, heading towards the common room. I make it passed the students in the common room and into a thankfully empty room, collapsing onto my bed in a pile of what feels like shattered limbs.

Only then does it become real, the break up, the pain.

Only then does the hurt fill my chest.

And only then do I let myself cry.


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to leave any comments or suggestions if you have them. They always make my day. :) Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update! Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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