Chapter 7

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"Arthur," Vladimir scorns, ripping the book away from me. I give him a glare, wondering what he's on about now. "All you do anymore is practice spells and bury your face in books. Talk to me," he says gently, sitting down next to me.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say brokenly, the events of that night still fresh in my mind, despite how that was about a week ago. "We broke up."

"Yeah, but that's all you tell me. I'm your best friend, Arthur. No matter what happened, I'll have your back. You want me to sneak some cursed candy into his lunch? I'll do it." He flashes me a charming smile, and I return the gesture as well as I can. It's not very believable, though.

"Thank you, Vlad," I return, hugging him tightly. "You're a good friend, but I'm not ready to talk." I wince. I don't want him to think I don't trust him as well...

"Hey," he murmurs, ruffling my hair fondly. "It's okay." He hugs me once more, a comforting gesture before getting up from my bed and leaving the room. 

I lay back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling as I try to think of nothing. I can't help but flash through those horrid memories, wincing at the pain they cause. I've always heard that heartbreak feels like the end of the world, but I always thought that people were exaggerating. Now I can see that's exactly what it feels like. I thought that Alfred might've been "the one".

I hear a meow from the floor near my bed, and I turn, looking at the fluffy black cat that seems to be staring at me worriedly. "Salem, I'm fine." He meows again, narrowing his eyes slightly, and I sigh. "Come here." I pick up the cat and hold him close, sniffling slightly. I may or may not have spent the past twenty minutes laying around and crying or reading, which seems to be all I do nowadays. I practice my magic, read, or cry, nothing else.

Salem starts to wriggle around in my arms, making it harder to hold him as he meows sharply. I drop him, and he falls to his feet before taking off as if he's chasing something. Completely bewildered, I chase after him, calling the bloody cat's name as he runs. What's gotten into him?

"Salem!" I shout, hoping the cat doesn't hurt himself or anyone else. The last thing I need right now is to have a confrontation about safety. He rushes off towards the woods, racing as if something is tied to his tail.

Turning around a tree, I freeze at the sight. Salem, clinging to Alfred -- who looks caught off guard at the sudden appearance of the small ball of fluff. "Salem?" he asks, holding up the cat in confusion.

Without a word, I rush forward and grab the cat. "Enough, Salem," I state angrily, making the cat's ears flatten in sadness. I understand what he's trying to do, and I don't approve at all. I back away, avoiding Alfred's gaze.

"Arthur," he calls out, and I immediately turn away. "Arthur, please wait!" I'm not sure what in me has me stopping, but I do. 

"What?" I ask, not even bothering to turn around as my voice cracks weakly.

"Will you talk to me?" he asks softly.

"There's nothing to talk about, Alfred."

"Arthur, I--"

He's cut off by Salem, who is practically screaching as he squirms from my arms, as if he's scared of something. "Salem!" I call out, feeling panicked as the poor cat races through the woods, heading back towards the castle. "Where the hell..." I state, feeling confused.

Suddenly, chills run down my spine. I can sense something nearing us. I whip around, meeting Alfred's wide, blue gaze before averting my eyes from him. "What?" he asks, sound worried.

"Something's coming," I state, feeling whatever it is getting even closer. "We need to go."

"What?" he asks, but he follows me as I turn around anyway. "Artie, what are you talking about?"  His hand lands on my shoulder, and I shake it off on impulse, just like he did me when we broke up.

"Forget it," I state, feeling anger bubbling up inside of me. Now is not the time to be blowing up. That's for when I have something I can hit.

I gasp when I feel the energy become so close that it hurts, and I suddenly know what it is. "Artie, are you okay?"

"We have to hide," I warn, grabbing his hand and rushing off towards Hagrid's old house. I break the spell with ease before pushing Alfred inside and reactivating it the second I shut the door. "Stay down, and don't say a word." I sit and watch as he does the same across from me.

"What's going on?" he whispers, and I flash him a glare that has him covering his mouth with a blush on his cheeks.

That's when the voice calls out to us, high-pitched and obviously female. "Arthur~" she sings, and I wince. She can't be here. There are supposed to be spells that keep her out. "Where are you, Arthur?" she says again, outside of the cabin in that same singsong voice that makes chills run down my spine. I can hear her giggle, and Alfred looks scared out of his mind by what's happening. "Let's see," I hear her murmur, and then, pain erupts through my body and I bite my hand in order to keep from crying out as my body changes to its true form. 

Pitch black, feathery wings erupt from my back, and my once golden locks turn blood red, my incisors sharpening to the point of needles and the tips of my ears turning into points. Shit. She broke the spell that made me look human... As the spell finally fades completely, I feel utterly exhausted, as if all the energy has been suck from my body. I fall to the floor as gently as I can, not being able to hold myself up as my vision start to blur.

"Damn, I could've sworn he was here," the girl curses, giggling afterwards. "Next time, then," she says, and suddenly the presence is gone.

As she leaves, my heavy breathing starts to relax slightly. Was she draining me of power?

"Arthur?" Alfred sounds worried, panicked and on the verge of tears. Suddenly his blurry face appears in my field of vision as it starts to clear. "Artie," he says again, and I feel his hand cup my cheek. "You're a seraph?"


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to leave any comments or suggestions. They always make my day :) Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update! Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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