Chapter 12

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"So," I say awkwardly, trying to figure out how to start this conversation now that we're alone.

Alfred sighs heavily. "I'm so sorry," he murmurs, sounding as if he's on the verge of tears. It's strange, and I feel guilty for letting him feel so down. Does that make me strange? I'm sure it does, but that's not what I should be focusing on.

"It's okay," I murmur, hoping he listens to me instead of riding his guilt train all the way to the town of Hate Yourself. Tentatively, I reach out my hand, wanting to feel his soft skin against mine if only for a fleeting moment.

I cup his cheek, similar to the way I used to before I planted a kiss on him or pressed our foreheads together. The minute my skin connects with his, tears start to fall from his eyes. They start off slow, one or two every few seconds, but they slowly build up into streams that fall from his eyes without restraint, making my heart ache for him. I still love him, and seeing him in pain kills me. I stroke some of the tears away with my thumb, brushing them to the side. I'm eager to have them stop, but they just keep coming.

"Please, stop crying," I beg, barely hearing myself speak and wincing at the broken quality to it. Even now, I can't be the strong one. I'm crying too. "I hate it when you cry," I add, pulling him closer and pressing our foreheads together, shutting my eyes to focus on the grounding sensation.

"I'm so sorry," he repeats, and it's a miracle I understand him through the sobs and slurs of his broken, defeated words. He's so much more vulnerable than I've ever seen, and it tears my insides apart. I want to keep him safe, yet all I can do at the moment is make him cry.

"Alfred, it's okay. I love you. Please, stop crying." I swallow thickly at the realization of my feelings. Sure he's known that I'm in love with him, but it's different when you actually say it out loud. He stills, and I have no idea whether or not that's a bad thing. 

Feeling to scared to face him and hating the coward inside of me, I release his face from my hand, turn around and wrap my wings around myself to shield me from the wind that's started to blow through. It's only now that I realize how cold it is. His head remains down, hidden in the locks of his blonde hair that hang low in his eyes. Even the bright rays of moonlight can't reach his face, and I silent pray I didn't hurt him even more.

"After everything?" he asks, and I raise a single brow in confusion.

"What do you mean?" 

"After everything I did, everything I said, you still love me?"

I chuckle bitterly, feeling the blood in my body decide to pool in my cheeks. "Yeah," I mumur dumbly, wishing my heart would settle down. It feels like it's going to beat right out of my chest.

"Arthur," he murmurs, reaching forward and stroking my cheek as if he's in awe of the things I said. "I love you, too, and I'd like to make it up to you, if you'll let me." He pauses, looking up and into my eyes with immense remorse in those sky blue depths of his. "Will you be my boyfriend again?"

In spite of myself, I feel my heart practically skip thirty beats in a row. What do I even say? I love him, but do I really want to get back together with him?

"You don't have to give me your answer now," he adds, and he smiles softly, delicately brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'll wait for you, so decide whenever, okay? I just want you to at least think about it."

I nod, heart melting when Alfred wraps his arms around me, holding me close as he buries his face into my blood red locks. "I-I'll think about it," I promise, placing my hands over his chest and closing my eyes, savoring his warmth as I wrap my wings around him.

He nods, sniffing softly as he holds me as closely as possible. I don't know when we separate. All I know is that I get back to the headmaster's office, managing to avoid the other students. I don't need anyone freaking out about my appearance and causing a scene. I don't have an ego that can handle something like that. 

"Arthur," the headmaster says, looking at me solemnly. "We still can't redo the spell on your appearance."

I nod, swallowing thickly. "Then, what am I supposed to do?" I ask, voice barely above a weak whisper. God, I'm so pathetic.

She sighs softly, getting up from her desk and enveloping me in a rare hug that has me in tears. She's the closest thing to a parent I've had since my mother's death. My father stayed long enough for my mother to birth twins, and then he left, finding out he loved a descendant of Tom Riddle. He was supposedly a good man, but I don't think a good man does something like that.

"We can try to show the students what you are, show them that they have nothing to fear." She looks to me, obviously hoping for some sort of positive reaction, but all I can manage is a nod.

"I'm okay with trying that, but I don't want to be the only one," I whisper, and she grins.

"You think you're the only one with physical protection?" she asks, reminding me of a young teenage girl, the kind she says she once was. "I'll discuss it with the others who are hidden, and we will come to a decision by the morning. Until then, sleep in the tower that is for guests to the school."

Knowing exactly what she's talking about, I nod, feeling my eyes become heavier and heavier with sleep that beckons to me. "Alright," I say. "I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Arthur."


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to leave any comments or suggestions if you have them. They always make my day :) Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update! Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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