Chapter 13

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"I didn't think you were anything other than human, Vlad," I admit, shrugging. "But now that I know, it makes a lot of sense."

My best friend grins at me, showing off what I now know to be vampire teeth. "I'm just that good, bro," he returns, adding a wink to the end of his statement. "I didn't think you were one, though," he admits, and I smile. 

"I guess I'm just that good," I state, making him grin alongside me.

"Now, you two, just stand there and behave," the headmaster orders, pointing at us with her index finger. "I'll do all the talking."

"Yes, ma'am," Vladimir and I reply in unison, grinning at each other when we realize what we've done. I'm so glad he and I can be close like this. I hated leaving him in the dark on who I really am.

It's not long after that the students come in, filing into the room in long lines of disgruntled faces. They don't want to be here, and I can't blame them. It's early on Saturday, and most of them were probably planning on sleeping in. They seem to focus more and stop grumbling when they catch sight of my wings and Vladimir's large black, bat ones as well. He'd been revealed when he decided to come clean with me. There's also a mermaid who was some Hufflepuff, sitting in a giant tub of water with her head poking out over the edge of the container.

But when I lock gazes with a gently smiling Alfred, everyone else ceases to exist, him becoming the only one I see. I know that seems so cliche, but he looks so good in the morning light, and I can't help the way my heart skips a beat at seeing him. It doesn't help that I've admittedly forgiven him. I'm actually completely over it, because grief is something that everyone goes through, and I understand why he was so distraught and distracted. A hurting heart can make anyone do unspeakable things, and he was in denial. It was only a matter of time before he snapped, and I can understand that I was simply the one it happened to. He didn't actually mean what he said, but for a while, I didn't think that to be true. Now, I know better. I know him better, and I've already made up my mind when it comes to getting back together with him.

"You're probably wondering why you're here," the headmaster announces, eyes scanning the now filled room with power radiating from her person. "The reason is that certain students have decided to come forward about their true form." She gestures to the students standing behind her, various changes in appearance being obvious, ranging from wings to scales to goddamn talons.

In all honesty, I don't pay much attention to the speech she gives. I know it's probably important, revolutionary as Vlad would put it, but it's far from my mind. The only thing that I can bring myself to focus on is the gorgeous blonde with the obnoxious cowlick and the sky blue eyes. He's staring at me the entire time, and I at him. Then, the headmaster stops, dismissing everyone, and the students awkwardly file out, trying to process the new information and visual shocks that they've been exposed to in the last twenty minutes. I know that most of them are probably trying to convince themselves that this was all a dream or not too intense, even though it is very much real and entirely overwhelming. Hell, I'm one of the non-human ones and it overwhelms even me.

Alfred stays behind, along with his curious friends. They look at him as if they're wondering why he isn't moving, and then their gazes follow his to me, and they seem to finally understand. Antonio gives him a fond hair ruffle, Gilbert elbows him playfully, and Francis sends both of us a suggestive wink, making my face turn scarlet.

He finally approaches me when there's hardly anyone left, coming to stand in front of me with a shaky exhale. "Hi," he states, eyeing me nervously but in a way that makes me feel flattered. 

"Hello," I return softly, looking nowhere else but his eyes.

"H-Have you made up your mind yet?" he asks, and the hopefulness in his voice is unmistakable.

I nod, feeling a small smile make its way to my lips. It feels like forever ago that he's held me, and I want to feel that again. I've missed him. 


Grinning, I cup his face and then kiss him, pressing our lips together in a short, chaste kiss. Pulling away, I'm stopped short by his arms pulling my body flush against his. He's hugging me.

Feeling his warmth permeate through my body, feeding me a feeling of utter comfort that only his body brings me. I don't know how to describe it other than he is part of me, the part of me that I feel so lost and empty without. I know that seems so childish, but that's love. And love is absolutely wonderful and totally unbearable. It's a mixture of pain and pleasure that leaves you confusingly satisfied and unsatiably craving more.

I hug him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my nose into the crevice there, the place that is my absolute favorite to be, considering we haven't done much more than touch each other intimately. As far as sex of any kind (oral or other) we haven't gotten that far... yet.

"Use protection," Vladimir calls out, making me flush. I didn't even realize that he was still in the room as he smoothly makes his exit, grinning at the two of us the entire time. I swear, sometimes he'd get along obnoxiously well with Francis.

Alfred chuckles awkwardly, probably still uncomfortably self-conscious about everything that's happened between us. "Y-Your friend has a nice sense of humor..."

I nod, feeling my wings fluff up behind me. "He's right, though."


I grin, grabbing his belt and pulling him closer. "We should use protection."

I don't think there's a shade of red that exists that can describe Alfred's face at this very moment.


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to leave any comments or suggestions you might have. They always make my day :) The next one will probably be the last chapter and will definitely contain some smut ;) But fear not, I have more stories planned and already in development (both fanfiction and original works). Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update! Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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