A/N: Request rules

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I know this might sound a bit anoying, but it's necessary to make sure there shall be no misunderstandings. I hope you all understand that.

-Rule 1: If you want to request, please ask kindly. Do not demand, because I hate that.

-Rule 2: If you requested, please be patient. I'm very busy with school and other busniss. I will try to do your request as fast as I can. Before I publish it I will send you a message.

-Rule 3: I have the right to refuse a request, if I think it's a bit inappropiate request or when I have no time. Please don't feel offended if I refuse. It's nothing personal.

-Rule 4: If I did your request and it isn't as you want it to be, please don't be mad. Of course your allowed to comment or ask for a change. But please stay kind.

-Rule 5: NO SMUT. So don't request it please. I fine with people who like to read or write it, but I feel unconfortable with it. So that's why I don't write smut.

-Last rule, Rule 6: Boyxboy is allowed. But do ask and tell me if you request is a X male reader or X male OC. Also you can request ships, do tell me if you want that.

Those where my rules. I hope you all understand why I'm telling you guys this. Again thank you for reading my book and have fun.😃

XXX Luna❤

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