Ben Solo: Join me (Part 2)

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<<<(Y/N's P.O.V.)>>>

Ever since I met Ben, I felt that he was diffrent. More powerful, yet full with anger. I felt a strong conection to him.

I arived quickly on the planet where Ben lives.

"Stay here." I ordered Hux. "And make sure the ship is ready to go home when I come back."

He nodded. "Of course supreme leader."

"Do not come looking for me." I glared at him.

He shivered under my glare. I smirked. I loved the power I had.

I left the ship I went looking for my Ben. I past many Chandrilans who where looking weirdly at me.

I reached out to Ben through the force.

"Ben? Where are you?"

"I'm with uncle Luke by the temple training, why?"

I did replied. "Hello? Voice?" I heard him in head.

Ah that's right, I never told him my name. Because if he would tell Skywalker or his parents about me, they would freak out. Mainly because they did knew who I was, unlike my innocent Benny, who has no idea who I am.

Than I spotted a Jedi temple. 'That must be the temple.' I thought and I walked to it.

I hided in the bushes and spotted Ben training with the other padawans. They were making fun of him. At least in there thoughts they were.


'He's such a show off, look at me I can use the force already.'

That made me angry. How dare they to insult my Ben, even though it was through thoughts.

I walked to him. "Hello Ben." He froze and turned around.

"Voice?" He asked confused.

I chuckled. "That's me and if you allow me."

I turned to the padawans. They turned white. They must have recognized me. "Oh my... You are Y/n L/n, the supreme leader of The First Order." One of them said

I nodded. "That I am. And you insulted my Ben."

I used the force choke to lift them of the ground. "Y/n L/n? So you're supreme leader L/n." Ben asked.

"Yes? That's me."

Before Ben could say something, Skywalker came running to us.

"What in the forces name is going on? Y/n L/n." He gulped once he saw me. I dropped the padawans. They ran scared away.

"Well, well, if it isn't the great Luke Skywalker. Ben told me all about you. How awful you are. How much he hates you. How much he wants you just to disappear." I snapped in my fingers when I said: disappear.

"You leave my nephew alone, you monster." Skywalker ignited his lightsaber and attacked me.

I used the force push to push him away. I drawn my own red lightsaber.

"He reached out to me himself." I told Skywalker as I swung my lightsaber at him.

He blocked my attack with his own lightsaber. "You have been poisoning his mind with darkness. I should have known, he is weak."

This only fueled my anger even more. I slammed my lightsaber against his. "Don't you dare say that. He is stronger than you are. You just don't understand him."

"You are evil." Skywalker told me as dodge my lightsaber.

"No I'm powerful. So is Ben, only you don't want him to be powerful so you keep him small. He could be so much more than just a pathetic Jedi like you."

We fought until suddenly Ben yelled: "Stop!" And Skywalker flew backwarts. His lightsaber dropped on the floor. I quickly used the force to make the Skywalkers lightsaber fly to my hand and I trew it far away.

"Ben." Skywalker quickly stood up. "Please don't do this. L/n is evil and a Sith."

I stood behind Ben and placed my hands on his shoulders. I leaned over his shoulder and whispered in his ear: "Don't listen to him, Ben. He think you're pathetic. Join me and I can give what you want."

"You shut up. Stop pulling my nephew to the dark side and whispering evil things in his ear, like a flithy snake."

"Ben we are you're family. Me, your dad and you mom. We have always cared for you. Don't abandon us."

I glared at him. How dare he to say that? "You have no right to say that.
Where were you when the other padawans bullied him?
Where were you when he was struggling with the force?"

I saw Skywalkers face becoming pale.

"Oh right, you were too busy or said that he just had to deal with it. I was the one for him. I helped with the force and I listen to him."

Ben looked at me. He knew I was right. I know Ben tried to tell Skywalker about his troubles, but he never listens to him.

"Ben..." Skywalker tried, but Ben moved even further away from him. He hugged me.

"Y/n is right. You never listen, I tried so many times. Do have how many times I cried, because the other padawans were mean to me."


"No, now it's my time to talk. You always underestimated me. You never let me train with the more skillful padawans or let me learn the more difficult ways of the force."

"I was afraid that you would turn to dark side. Please forgive me Ben."

"I want to be powerful too." Ben told his uncle.

"You will be, just don't join the dark side. It's not the way."

"Oh please, Jedi's don't understand that to get power there must be sacrifices. They only want peace." I snored.

It was quiet for awhile. Until Skywalker made his lightsaber fly to his had and was going to attack Ben. I quickly jumped in front of Ben and defended him.

Our lightsabers slashed together. "Look everybody, the great Jedi attacks his own padawan."

"Yes." A quiet voice said. "Yes, Y/n. I'll join you." Ben said a little louder now.

"Perfect. Hux, perpare the ship. We'll be taking a guest with us." I said to Hux.

"As you wish supreme leader."

Skywalker glared at. "You are sick, making others do all the work for you."

I used the force to freeze him on his place. I threw my lightsaber at Ben. "You know what to do. After you have taken care of this mess you can find me by my ship."

I kissed him softly on his lips. "I'll be waiting for you there."

And with those words I walked away, leaving Ben with his uncle. I was going to watch the Jedi temple burn from my ship and I was going to enjoy ever second of it.

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Also if you want a part 3, just let me know in the comments.
Thanks again for reading this, it means a lot to me.😊

XXX Luna❤

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