Kylo Ren: I'm sorry (Part 2B)

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In this part Lucy won't join The Resistance in the fight against the The First Order. She go back to the Starkiller base and back to Kylo.

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<<<(Lucy's P.O.V.)>>>

I frowned when Poe asked me that. One part wanted me to, but I couldn't. I couldn't betray Kylo. I couldn't betray The First Order.

I shooked my head. "I'm sorry, I can't. I can't and I won't betray Kylo Ren."

"B-but, but he's evil. You're not, you're not evil." Poe tried to convince me.

"Yeah, there is still hope for you." Rey told me.

"Raaaaaaaw." Chewbacca growled.

I sighed sadly. "I know you guys are right, but I love Kylo Ren too much to betray him."

Rey ignited her lightsaber. I copied her movement. "Rey want are you doing?" Poe asked.

"She made her choice. She chose her side."

I glared at her behavior. I guess I know now where Rey stands.

Our lightsabers clashed together. I swung my lightsaber at her, only she blocked it by I using the force.

"Argh." I was getting frustraided.

So I charged at her once again, only this time way harder. She bended as I pushed harder with my lightsaber against hers. I wasn't going to let her win this. She used the force to freeze me on my spot for a second. I knew she was force sensitive as well, but I had the luck that I trained more often so I was stronger than Rey. I released myself before Rey could swing her lightsaber at me. I dodged her attack and hit her thights with my lightsaber, causing her to whine in pain. She let her guard down because of that for a minute. I used that moment to use the force to knock her lightsaber out of her hands.

"This is for Kylo Rens face." I stricked my lightsaber across her face. Probably leaving a scar.

"You leave me and Kylo alone, you understand bitch?" I had my lightsaber pointed at her neck. She was defendsless. I knew I had won.

She nodded.

I put my lightsaber back on it's place and headed back to my ship. "You'll pay for this!" Poe yelled after me.

I quickly flew away. I headed straight back to Starkiller Base.

Once I arived there, I ran back to me and Kylo's room. I stormed inside and saw Kylo sitting on our bed.

He looked like he cried. I jumped on him, pushing him down on the bed. "Lucy?" He asked suprised.

"Yes, it's me."

He hugged my tightly. "I thought I lost you forever. I thought you would leave me for The Resistance." He muttered while laying my head on his chest.

He stroke his big hands through my hair. "Never silly. I would never leave you for them."

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I know I should have thought about you as well, before I killed him."

I lifted my head of his chest. And smiled at him. "That's alright." And I kissed him.

I could feel him sigh in the kiss. "I missed you." He muttered between the kisses.

"I missed you too."

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Hi, everyone. 😆

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Also if you want a part 3, just let me know in the comments.
Thanks again for reading this, it means a lot to me.😊

XXX Luna❤

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