Kylo Ren: I'm sorry (Part 2A)

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In this part Lucy joins The Resistance in the fight against the The First Order.

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<<<(Lucy's P.O.V.)>>>

I knew deep down that I made the right decision by joining The Resistance, but I couldn't help but to feel guilty. I love Kylo, and I only want what's best for him.

"We can save him. He can come home." That was what Poe said to convince me.

I want him to come to the right side. I want him to come home.

"Please bring my son back. I want my son back." Leia has said to me.

I pity her. Must be hard to lose a son. That made me decide. I wanted to reunite Leia with her son.

'Please Kylo, forgive me. But this is the right thing to do.' I said to myself. Deep down in my heart I knew that he could hear me and that he was outraged and heartbroken by this.

They took me to their base. It was a large and messy place. Nothing like Starkiller Base, where everything was always tidy and clean.

"Welcome to our home." Poe said.

I smiled. I could get used to this. Their I met the other members of The Resistance.

I could tell that they were being sceptic about me. I used the force to hear their thoughts.

'What is a Sith doing here?'

'I bet she's a spy.'

'Filthy Sith!'

I frowned when I heard all the negative thoughts about me. Although on the other hand I also wasn't suprised. I was a Sith afteral. No I would be suprised if they would immediately accept me.

"Look I know you guys don't trust me, but I promise you I'm not a spy. I want to take down The First Order just as bad as you do." I vowed.

I don't think they completely believed me, however they did seem to be more relaxed.

Poe showed me around. I must say it was a lovely base.

"I hate to say this Lucy, but the others won't allow you to walk freely. They are afraid that you may betray us. I trust you and I know you won't betray us, it's just a precaution." Poe told me.

I could hear that he didn't like the precaution and rather sees me running around freely.

"That's quite alright Poe. I understand." I insured him.

He smiled sadly. "Maybe after a couple of weeks we can talk about it again." I nodded. I understood that trust had to be earned.

We arived at a door. "Here is your room. There will be a guard by your door during the night." Poe said.

I entered my room. It wasn't as big as my room back in Starkiller Base, but than again I shared that room with Kylo so of course it was big.

"I love it thank you Poe."

"Goodnight Lucy. You made the right choice by leaving him behind."

I nodded. "I know. Goodnight." And with those words the door closed. Leaving me alone in my room.

Suddenly I felt a presence with me. I turned around and saw Kylo Ren standing in my room. He looked furiously at me.

"What do think you're doing?" He sneered.

I glared back at him. "I'm doing what's right."

He looked like he was about to explode. "You're betraying us?" His voice cracked a little.

I could here see a flash of hurt going through his eyes. I slowly nodded. "I'm sorry, Kylo. But I can't be with a buch of murders. Because that's what The First Order is."

He looked angry and sadly at me. "Once I thought that I was creating order in the universe, but now I have seen that that's not true. We only spread death and distuction." I exlaimed.

He didn't said anything. He just looked sadly at me. Knowing that he couldn't do anything to make me go back to his side.

He nodded. "Alright, if that's what you want. Just know that I have to kill you than." He warned me.

I frowned. "Than so be it." And with those words I closed the conection.

'Oh dear, what have I got myself into?'

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XXX Luna❤

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