Kylo Ren: I'm sorry

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A/N: This imagine isn't requested by anyone. It's based on my example in the intro.


Name of OC: Lucy Moonstone
Nickname: Lulu
Jedi/Sith/Ordinary: Sith
Force user: Yes
Species: Human
Age: She's 29 years old

Looks: She has blond hair and blue-gray eyes. Her body is hourglass formed, but she not too skinny.

Personality: She is a kind and good hearted person. I know that doesn't really fit the classic Sith. She stuggles between the dark and light. She's also very brave and won't hesitate to point Kylo on the things he does wrong.
Friends: Kylo Ren, Poe Dameron
Enemies: The Resistance, especially Rey

Description: Lucy and Kylo get into a fight, because he killed his own father. Han Solo has always very nice to her, even though she was a sith. They were friends and she liked him. Now he's dead and Lucy blames Kylo for everthing. She runs away from him. Kylo tries to make it right by reaching out to her through the force.

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<<<(Lucy's P.O.V.)>>>

Here we are again. *Sigh* Yelling at each other. You see, Kylo killed his father and a friend of mine.

"How could you do that!!" I yelled at him.

He frowned. "You have no idea who he is! He is a monster!" He yelled back.

I sighed in frustration. "No he's not. He just wanted his son back." I tried to talk some sense into him. What was useless, of course. I mean Kylo is as stubborn as a mule.

"He send me away, he doesn't love me!"

I rolled my eyes. Here we go again, with the 'I have daddy issues' excuse.

"That is no excuse to kill him. He was my friend."

I could feel the steam coming out of my ears.

"No he was not! He was using you to get to me."

The stuff in Kylo's headquarters started to trill. You could feel the tension in the room. It was only a matter of time before the hell broke lose.

"It doesn't matter Kylo! You can't just go killing people."

"Argh, why am I doing this? You're not even listening."

He slammed his hands on the table in anger. "Why are you than still going on about it?"

I frowned. "I don't know." And with those words I walked out his cambers.

I was crying. I didn't want him to see me like this, pathetic and weak. I hate it. I hate it when we fight. I love him, but he can be a real idiot so now and then.

I took my ship and flew away from Starkiller base. I had no idea where I was going to. Just to be honest I also didn't really care.

"Lucy? Where are you?"

Kylo said through to force. He does that a lot when he can't find me or when we fight.

"Please come back, I'm sorry."

"Get out of my head!" I used the force to block him out.

It wasn't easy, since Kylo was a very powerful force user.

I landed on a random planet. I got out of my ship and broke down on the floor. I cried my eyes out.

"Oh Kylo, why do you always have to be so stubborn."

Suddenly people who I recognized as Poe, Rey and Chewbacca. Or as they call them self: The Resistance.

"Lucy?" Poe asked. "Is that you?"

I nodded and dried my tears. Poe was my friend. Even though Kylo doesn't like it, I was still friends with Poe.

Rey ignited her lightsaber. She pointed it at me. I ignited mine in defends.

"What are you doing Rey?" Poe asked.

"She is a Sith. She is the enemy."

Poe quickly stepped between us.

"Let's just all just relax. Rey, Lucy, lower your lightsaber." I stared at Rey.

She slowly lowered her lightsaber. I coplied her movements. I turned it of and put it back on my belt.

"Please tell me what happened." Poe pleaded.

After I told them about what happened. They relaxed a little. They understood that I wasn't on Kylo's side right now.

"Join us. Help us destroy The First Order. They only spread death and destuction."

I knew that deep down Poe was right. But I didn't want to betray Kylo. I love him.

'What should I do?'

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Hi, everyone. 😆

The first imagine is done. I hope you all liked it.
Please comment, vote and follow me. (Check my other storys too)

There will be two second parts: Part 2A and Part 2B.

In Part 2A Lucy decides to join The Resistance in the fight against the The First Order.

In Part 2B, she decides not to take Poe's offer and goes back to Starkiller base.

Thanks again for reading this, it means a lot to me.😊

XXX Luna❤

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