Ben Solo: Join me

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Imagine that you are a Sith-lord. Instead of Snoke you are the one who seduces Ben to join the dark side.

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<<<(Ben's P.O.V.)>>>

I was sitting on the table next to my parents. We were having dinner. I knew that next morning I had to go back to uncle Luke. And just between you and me, I hate him. I hate uncle Luke and I strongly dislike my parents. I heard them talk about me one night. They were saying that I was dangerous, that they feared that I would turn to the dark side.

I frowned when I thought about that.

"What's wrong Ben?" A voice said in my head. It's the same voice who has been with me for years. It's really irritating. However on the other hand, the voice does seem to understand me.

"Shut up!" I suddenly said. My parents stopped talking and looked at me.

"Ben? Are you okay?" Mom asked.

I looked down at my still almost untouched food. "Yeah." I whispered. They must be thinking that I'm losing my mind.

"I'm not hungry." I stood up and walked outside.

"Ben come back here, immediately!" My father demanded. But I just kept walking.

"This is all your fault." I said to the voice.

"Is it? Or is it their fault?" The voice answered.

"They don't care for you. You heard what they said: you are dangerous, you are a monster."

"Shut up, shut up!" I hissed angrily.

"I don't think you're dangerous or a monster. I care for you. How long have we been friends? I really, really care deeply for you Ben."

This caused me to stop walking. For one second I accually believed the voice. Than I shooked my head. "No, we're not friends. You're just a voice in my head. You're not real."

The voice laughed. "Oh Ben, so innocent. I'm just as real as you are."

"Really than where are you?" I asked sceptically. Not really believing the voice.

"Look up."

I did as the voice told me. I looked at the dusky sky. A few stars were already visible even though it was still early.

"Yes? I don't see you."

"I'm beyond the stars."

I suddenly started laughing. "Yeah sure, no Jedi is that strong."

The voice was silent for awhile, until it said: "It's the truth. I am using the force over a million lightyears away."

I frowned. Could the voice be telling the truth? Of course uncle Luke told me about the force and the other Jedi stuff, I just didn't think the force could be that strong.

"Jedi's are weak Ben. You and I are stronger than them."

"When can I meet you?"

The voice hummed. "Perhaps soon."

"To bad you're not here. Than you could take me away. I'm going to Jedi training tomorrow and I hate it."

"I know." The voice said very lowly. Causing me to shiver.

Suddenly my mom came running to me. She hugged me. "Thank the force, you're okay. Promise me you never run of like that."

She looked up suspiously. Maybe she can feel the voice too.

"Let's go Ben. I feel a dangerous presence here."

I frowned as my mother grabbed me by my arm and dragged me back inside.

<<<(Y/N's P.O.V.)>>>

After Leia broke the conection, I curse slightly. They are not going to take my Ben away from me. He is mine and I'm going to turn him to the dark side. He has so much potential. He could be so much more than just a Jedi.

"Hux!" I yelled. Hux came running to me.

"You called supreme leader?"

"Yes perpare my ship. I'm heading towarts Chandrila."

He did a small bow. "Of course supreme leader."

"Watch out Ben, I'm coming for you."

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Also there will be a part 2, so go check that part out as well.
Thanks again for reading this, it means a lot to me.😊

XXX Luna❤

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