x. liliandil

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     And so they did. Or at least Caspian, Edmund, Lucy and Reagan, provided that the rest of them were still at the table, enjoying the feast that was in front of them.

     The star guided them through a forest, leaving a soft blue light behind her as she walked. It was not long before they got to a balcony and they saw a terrifying island appearing before them. It was what Coriakin had called the "dark island".

     "Coriakin said we'd break the spell by putting the seven swords on Aslan's table," Caspian remembered.

     "He speaks the truth."

     "But we only found six," Edmund reminded them, "do you know where the seventh is?"

     Liliandil's mood had changed completely by that time. The charming smile that characterized her had disappeared and she presented a worried countenance as if something was haunting her. It did not take much time for the Narnians to understand: the seventh sword was on the dark island.

     The four rulers looked at each other, not sure of what to say or do. The island started glowing green, making Reagan nearly choke on air. Edmund put a hand on her shoulder while Liliandil continued talking to them. They should waste no time and direct themselves immediately to the island.

     "Will we meet again?" Caspian asked her, hopeful, to which Liliandil simply smiled and said goodbye before disappearing in a shiny ball of blue light into the sky.

     They walked back to Aslan's table, Caspian and Lucy before Reagan and Edmund, who walked hand in hand without saying a word. They had their minds on the great danger that awaited them at said island, not knowing if someone would die in there or if they would get the sword with success and go back to the castle, where they could live happily ever after. 

     They arrived without problems at Aslan's table once more, where the crew was still eating, although the food had not decreased somehow. All of them returned to the ship, while Caspian informed the captain about what Liliandil had told them and about what they had to do next. The trip was not too long but it looked as if they were purposefully going slower, afraid of the island and what might hold for them.

      However busy everyone's mind was, Edmund found time to pull Reagan to a side and take both of her hands, looking directly into her eyes.

      "I know that it would be no use telling you to stay on the ship," he started softly, making Reagan smile, "so I just want to you stay by my side at all times. I could not forgive myself if something happened to you."

     "Nothing will happen to me, Edmund," she whispered back, not believing what she was saying, "I've got better with the sword, remember?"

     Both of them laughed lightly and Edmund kissed Reagan's lips softly, sure that he will kiss them again soon. Even so, he tried to enjoy the kiss as much as he could, just in case. They had no plans on separating soon but Caspian interrupted them by passing by their side and singing a childish song about them kissing under a tree.

     Smiling in each other's lips, they both broke the kiss before breaking in a fit of laughter and walked (still hand in hand) towards the wheel, where the captain, Caspian and Lucy were.

     "What could be in there?" a minotaur asked, with his hands (or paws) on the wheel.

     "Our worst nightmares," Edmund stated.

     "Way to be positive, Ed," the princess replied trying to take some weight off the conversation, although a lump started to form on her throat, breaking her voice a little.

     "Pure evil," the captain concluded and ordered for the archers to prepare themselves, just in case something happened now that they were approaching land. 

     The Pevensie siblings, Caspian and Reagan entered their respective rooms to get ready to descend. In the room, the girls found Gael sitting in the bed, smiling at them while they looked in the mirror. Lucy and Reagan started to put their belts on, under the attention of the little girl.

     "When I grow up," she interrupted the silence making both turn to look at her, "I want to be just like you."

     They smiled and Lucy answered, "when you grow up, you should be just like you." The three of them sat down and hugged each other, not muttering a simple word but with the same thought haunting their minds.

     On the other room, Caspian and Edmund were putting their armour on, in complete silence until Caspian broke it.

     "You and Reagan, huh?"

      "It's not like you didn't know," Edmund replied, trying to hide the blush that had appeared on his face.

     "I did know it, but teasing you and seeing how you blush... it never gets old," he laughed, "What do you plan to do when all of this ends?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "Well... you know you can't stay here forever, just like Susan and Peter couldn't. And if you go back to your world, there are two possible options: either Reagan stays here and grows up much faster than you do, or she returns back to your world as well but goes back to being a kid."

     Edmund hadn't thought about that, and hearing those words made him drop the sword by accident. Well, they could always ask Aslan to fix that for them, right? Or not? In fact, would they ever see Aslan again? Caspian could see the sadness that had taken over the boy, so he completely changed topics as quickly as he could.

     "You gave up your sword," he pointed. Now he had no sword to fight in case they needed it.

     "Wasn't mine to keep."

     "Use this," Caspian offered him taking Narnia's most powerful and famous sword and handing it to the boy, "Peter would want you to have it".

     Smiling at each other, Edmund took the sword he had dreamed about so many times. He knew every single detail of the arm as the back of his hand. He took it out of its sheath and read the words that were engraved on it, his mind racing back to old times. 

The two kings then exited the room, bumping into the girls in the process.

𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐑 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 (𝐢𝐢) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now