xii. the sea serpent

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     The mist started whispering to the sailors, adopting a different form for each of them. Soon, Reagan started hearing voices,as well. 

     She recognized them perfectly, they were the voices of the several knights that had visited them back at their castle, mocking her about her petite body and her limited qualities to ever become a queen. They were the voices of all the Narnians that did not believe in her. It was Caspian's voice dismissing her of the meetings because she was not made for war. It was the Edmund's voice saying that she was not enough for a king. It was Lucy, it was Peter, it was Susan, it was... Aslan.

     "Shut up", she whispered, letting go of Edmund's hands and covering her ears, trying to muffle the voices. But it was no use, it was as if the voices were actually inside her head, "shut up!"

     Edmund, however, did not have any time to worry about the girl because an all too familiar face appeared before his eyes, calling his name and offering him a life-long kingdom. The White Witch had found her way to him once again.

     "Go away," he told her, "you are dead."

     "You can never kill me," she laughed, "I'll always be alive in your mind, silly boy."


     "Edmund," Lucy called for him, waking him up of the kind of dream he was into, "are you alright?"

     Before they could continue talking, they heard a cry in the distance, advising them to stay away from the island. A chill went down Reagan's spine, making her hairs stand up. Caspian, who was by her side, noticed this and put his arm around the petite girl, startling her. She had not even stepped on the island and she was already scared. 

     Edmund directed his torch towards the source of the voice, revealing an old man holding a sword that looked far too big for his skinny and food-deprived body. He was the last lord.

     "We will not leave," stated Caspian, but the lord continued to repeat the same phrase.

     "Caspian," Edmund called, "Caspian his sword."

     "Lord Rhoop!" 

     The Lord tried to escape, afraid of them, but Caspian soon ordered for everyone to get him on board. The crew started moving, knowing exactly what they had to do and which were their places, but before they could do anything, Eustace grabbed him and put him on the ship, where everyone pointed at him with their harpoons in case he tried to attack someone.

     Caspian tried to calm him, revealing who he was. The lord seemed to immediately recognize him and threw himself to his arms.

     "You should not have come!" he repeated once more, "There's no way out of here! Quickly, turn this ship around before it's too late!"

     "We have the sword," Edmund pointed out, "let's go!"

     It was true, they didn't even have to go on the island because they already had the sword. Upon hearing this, Reagan let out a sigh she didn't even know she was holding. 

     "Do not think!" Lord Rhoop continued, taking Caspian's arm, "Do not let it know your fears or it will become them!"

     At Reagan's side, Edmund mentally facepalmed himself, muttering an "oh no" that made everyone turn around to look at him, questioning.

     "Edmund," Lucy spoke, "what did you just think of?"

     "Oh, I'm sorry," Edmund apologized, walking towards the edge of the ship and looking down at the sea as if looking for something. Unexpectedly, an enormous creature emerged from the water and hit the boat, making everyone fell.

     "Gael!" Lucy exclaimed, scaring everyone on the ship. The little girl was sitting alone on the opposite side of the ship, completely afraid and trying to make herself as little as possible, and the monster started appearing behind her. At last, it revealed itself on its entirety: it was a gigantic sea serpent. Lucy ran to get the girl while all the sailors drew their swords; but before they could even get closer to the serpent, Eustace appeared from between the fog with Reep on his head.

     He spat a stream of fire to the sea monster, but it caught him and started swinging him from side to side, hitting the ship on the way. Lucy had just returned from getting Gael to their room and both girls had also drawn their swords. Eustace and the sea serpent continued to fight, but Lord Rhoop threw his sword, unbeknownst of the fact that the dragon was in fact a kid, and hit the dragon.

     He then tried to take the wheel but the captain knocked him out and started directing everyone to their respective places. Eustace had disappeared and they were trying to get away from the monster as fast as they could, but it was much faster than they were.

     Edmund had found his way towards Reagan, and both teenagers were holding hands, trying not to lose the other one in the fight that was about to come. Caspian was protecting Lucy, although the Queen of Old was as ready to fight as could be with Susan's bow and arrows on her hands.

     The ship was breaking, they were all soaking wet and nobody knew what to do. It looked as if the monster was about to completely destroy the ship and eat all of them alive. Caspian was now in command, directing the wheel and trying to get the serpent to smash itself into a rock while Edmund tried to distract it.

     "Edmund no!" Reagan yelled when she noticed that he was not holding her hand anymore.

     He pointed his torch to the serpent, who immediately caught sight of him and attacked the part of the ship where he was, making everyone scream his name in worry. However, he had been faster and had backed up before the monster had even touched him. He got out of the little hole he was hiding in, calling for the serpent again. He had no place to hide now, either he killed it or it would kill him.

     Lucy shot an arrow, blinding the monster. It started to hit everything and everyone, knocking Edmund off of the place where he was. Lucy ran towards her brother while Reagan held her sword hardly, ready to attack the monster. It struck again, and Reagan managed to make a cut on its hard skin before getting bitten in her left arm.

     Blood started to stream down her wet skin, but she didn't care. In fact, at first, she could not even feel it due to the adrenaline that rushed through her small frame. The monster started to emanate a green light from the inside and suddenly, it opened his body as if it were a very ugly butterfly, revealing its insides.

     Edmund and Caspian were now fighting side by side, cutting the little arms that the serpent had just revealed, which vanished into thin air as soon as they touched the floor. 

     Apparently, Caspian had just had an idea because he and the Captain were yelling orders to the rest of the sailors. Reagan had continued fighting until she started feeling her arm cold. Her eyes travelled there and saw that his pale skin was now completely tinted red. 

     That sight made her dizzy but nothing she could not manage to hold for a little longer. She could not afford to pass out until this monster was dead.

     Edmund was at it again, trying to distract the sea serpent so the Narnians could shoot at it with their harpoons. They all shot at once, but it did nothing to the monster. Instead, the green mist appeared once more but now it only spoke to Edmund. He did not listen, however, because his sword had started to glow blue.

     He realized that the serpent was aiming at him again, so he took it upon himself to strike it on the mouth, making the mist disappear and lightings to travel through the monster's body, killing it at last. Although Reagan did not get to see this, just as how she didn't get to see how the spell started to lift, letting the sunlight shine through the clouds.

𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐑 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 (𝐢𝐢) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now