xi. the telmarines

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     The ship was surrounded by fog and they could not see more than five feet before their eyes. Eustace still flew around them, trying to dissipate the fog with his wings, but it was no use. It was as if the mist was alive and did not want to leave by any means. A few minutes later, the dark island appeared before them, sending a chill down everyone's spine.

     "Here it is, my friend," Reep informed Eustace, approaching to his ear so he could hear him, "battle awaits."

     Eustace tried to turn back but decided not to after a motivational speech from the little mouse he had grown so fond of. Down on the Dawn Treader, it was Caspian's turn to give a motivational speech to his people.

     "No matter what happens there," he started, "every soldier that stands before me has earned their place on the crew of the Dawn Treader. Together we have travelled far, together we have face adversity and together we can do it again. So now is not the time to fall into fear's temptations. Be strong! Never give in. Our world, our Narnian lives depend on it."

     From down the stairs, Lucy, Edmund and Reagan looked at him in awe, extremely proud of their king. A small tear rolled down Reagan's cheeks, catching Edmund's attention, who could not stop diverting his eyes to her, Caspian's words still ringing on his ears.

     "Think of the lost souls we are here to save," Caspian continued, looking down at Rhince, "think of Aslan. Think of Narnia."

     "For Narnia!" a sailor chanted, making everyone follow him and cheer for Caspian. They progressively got closer to the shore of the Island and everyone was working as fast as they could, but Edmund could not focus on that, but on Reagan.

     He spent more than five minutes looking for her on deck after Caspian finished talking and everyone returned to their positions, which is a lot for a ship. He had only her room left to check, and there she was, sitting on her bed and looking out at the sea before them.

     "Re," he called for her softly while entering the room and closing the door behind him, "what's wrong?"

     The princess turned around to look at him and her eyes met his brown, full of worries.

     "Everything is wrong, Edmund," she explained, tears still falling from her eyes and her voice trembling, "Are you aware of what we are getting ourselves into? We could die in there! No one has been on that island before and that must be because of something right? I don't want to die, not today, not so young. And above all, I don't want any of you to die or get hurt."

     Edmund took a seat beside her and hugged her as tightly as he could, the girl burying her head on his neck. They didn't speak for a couple of minutes, but then Edmund called for her in whispers.

     "Remember when we were fighting against the Telmarines? That I told you not to go into battle and you did because you wanted to help?" he asked and waited until Reagan nodded, "You knew you could die and you stepped into the field anyways. Now, you are a princess, a sailor and, above all, a warrior. You are not a kid anymore, Reagan. You can do this."

     "But what if something bad happens?"

     "I'll always be by your side. I will not let go of your hand the whole time we are in there, okay? Just think about the big party we will throw once we are back in your castle. You could show me all your beautiful dresses and we could dance for hours if you wanted to. But now you have to be strong, okay?"

     "Thank you, Edmund," she smiled looking up at her boyfriend. Now it was her time to take his face on her hands and kiss him. Edmund prolonged the kiss as much as he could, moving his lips slowly and cupping Reagan's cheek. Reagan was surprised of Edmund's ability to make her forget everything around them. When she was with him, all she could think of was about how he wanted to be with him the rest of her life in Narnia. 

     Suddenly, everything outside fell silent, which made them break the kiss and look at each other. They both got up of the bed and out of the room, only to find themselves surrounded by darkness. The boy looked for the girl's hand and, as soon as he found it, he took it and they both walked together, trying to find Lucy and Caspian.

     A green mist travelled between the sailors, as if looking for someone to take. No one could speak. It was as if the mist had taken all their souls and left just the bodies on the deck. Slowly, the fog started to take forms around them.

𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐑 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 (𝐢𝐢) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now