Chapter 1

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I'm awake but I don't open my eyes. 

That party last night was crazy. I don't even remember coming home.

Just thinking about makes me smile. My dad will most likely be pissed that I went even though he said no but it was so worth it. Besides I am almost 16 years old he can't dictate everything I do anymore. 

I open my eyes ready to face the day and my inevitably angry father. When I open my eyes I freeze. I am not in my room.

I shoot up and look around wildly. Everything is white. The walls. The plastic cot and the cotton sheets I am sitting on now. Even the frame of the mirror hanging on the opposite wall. Everything is totally spotless. A bright light hangs from the ceiling. My eyes hurt just looking at it. No windows, only a door a few feet away. I try to remember if I stayed at a friends place over night and just don't remember. I rack my brain for any detail about last night only to find that it is all gone. I don't have the slightest recollection of anything occurred 11:00 last night.

IT's all I can do not to completely freak out or become paralyzed with fear.

What's going on?

 I jump off the bed and race toward the door. My head starts to spin before I make it and I fall to the ground. I push myself off the floor and make sure to go slowly this time. I make my way to the door and jerk the handle but it's locked.

"Dang it! This had better be a dream." I want all of this so badly to be a dream. I want for me to wake up hungover and lying on a couch. 

I turn back to the near empty room. A bed and a mirror. Nothing else. I turn to the mirror. My cute mini skirt and tank top are gone replaced by some sort of black armor. It's skin tight but fits so well I didn't even realize it was on. It has shiny black plates on my shoulders and chest. I touch one and it feels like metal, cool and smooth to the touch. My curly blond hair had been pulled back into a ponytail that I certainly did not do myself. I would never have done one so messy. Even my make up has been wiped clean. Not a trace of it remains.

I repeat. What is going on?

Who would have done this?

I've been kidnapped. the thought creeps up on me and I am suddenly overwhelmed with fear. I begin to panic but I quickly push the fear down. For one, I don't really know that. This could be some trick my friends are playing on me. Totally not funny. And if I have been kidnapped then I shouldn't freak out. I can do that later after I find a way out.

"Focus on getting out" I whisper.

Maybe I can escape if I get that door open. I get a running start and kick the door. I expect it to break and open just like in the movies but it doesn't, all it does is really hurt my leg. The movies are not very accurate. But than again did I really expect them to be? 

I rub my leg. That really hurt.

"I would not do that if I were you." The strange voice seems to come from everywhere. I look around wildly but the room is still empty. It sounded so weird too. Almost human but not quite like someone disguising their voice with a computer. "I would hate for you to hurt yourself."

"Who are you?"

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