A Riko Oneshot

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3rd person POV:
A small blonde male slowly made his way to the small kitchen him and his highschool friend shared to make breakfast for himself and his roommate. You can say the two were 'Friends' The small male chuckled to himself at the thought that Riko was his you can say 'Bully'. Funny story Riko had been kinda like a jerk in highschool but the small boy knew exactly why he was being picked on the most and decided one day he'll ask Riko out. And what do ya know they're dating now. The taller male ,also known as Riko, walked into the kitchen and slithered his arms around the blondes waist " Hello Akachan~" Riko whispered into the small boys ear. "Hello ya big teddy bear" Akachan said as he softly made his hand to the taller boys face and giggled once Riko had planted his face into his neck.
Now this was a morning to love.

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