Angst Oneshot|Roomates vers.|

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Sen's POV:
He's gotta be upset from something I did. And I'm right I know why too. Its because I keep opening my flirting mouth and making him uncomfortable I dont mean to do that but I guess I did. I lay on my bed and scroll through my notifications to see if anything cool is going on in the world "Sen! I made dinner! Come on out!" I hear Carson say while knocking on my door softly I sigh and get up and open the door to a worried Carson "I dont feel like eating right now. maybe later?" I say while softly smiling at him and forced myself not to kiss his forehead. 'Respect the boundries sen!'  I thought to myself I sigh to myself "Ima go to bed alright?" I say he nods in understatement and looks up at me "Lov- I I-I mean uh night"  i say I didnt mmow if he was still ok with me saying that or not. Anywho he looked at me sad and looked down. I heard him softly whisper "Love you too. Please dont be mad at me" as he walks away with his down. I sigh and close the door "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I whisper yell as I bang my head on my door frame "DamnI+" I say before rubbing my head and feeling a bit dizzy. I slowly slid down to the floor and felt my eyes fall 'I'll just rest my eyes for awhile anyhowI thought before closing my eyes and feeling my heart sink at the thought I might have made a mistake.

(I Would love it if u would do Carson's POV for this ctincher22 Well if u want to that is!)

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