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(A/N ahh I tired y'all! XD
ctincher22 I hope your happy bro~ XD)

Sen's POV:
I was sitting on the couch and watching some YouTube on my phone before Carson came up to me and sat next to me "Whatcha doin?" He asks clearly intrigued to see what I'm watching. I chuckle and look down at him "Does it really matter, Baby?" I ask and kiss his forehead to which he giggles and kisses my cheek "You're not the only one who's allowed to do that!" He says and wraps his arms around my neck. I felt my face burn and knew I was blushing "Heh yea~" I say taking my arms and wrapping them around his waist we stayed like that for a while before he jumped off the couch and started to rub the back of his neck "U-Uhm Alex and Decorsia texted me and asked if we wanted to hang out with them so we can catch up!" He says. Very fast I might add. I nod and think 'Did I do something wrong?' 'I thought we were finally getting close'  I just shook the idea off. 'He's not like him, he's sweet and wont do anything wrong!' I thought while nodding and getting up from the couch he quickly looked down at my chest to which I looked down and saw I had no shirt on. I chuckle and go to my room to get a shirt since it's been hot lately. I'll put on a tank top. I grab a black tank top from my closet and hop over the number of items in my room. Once I put the tank top on we were ready to go "Do you wanna drive today?" Carson asked as he looked up at me "Sure!" I said to be honest I wasn't so good with the road. I get road rage and usually yell and curse at people anywho I grab the keys and pull off and start to go to our destination while driving. I sighed and turned the volume up to the radio music calmed me so I could focus and maybe even control my anger. The station that was on was a Country station 'Good I needed this!' I thought and started driving with less tension. I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Carson staring at me, to which I started to sing along with the lyrics of the song.
Once we arrived at their house I placed my head back and sighed "Hey what's wrong?" Carson asked "Oh I'm fine!" I say with a smile and wink at him, his face turns a little red to which I smirk and say "Amica mea~ Go on I'll be inside in a bit~ Alright~?" I ask as he nods and gets out of the car and knocks on the door. I sigh once again and get out of the car and go up to the door and open it  only to have my heart broken. I felt the anger rise. I knew only one thing that could help me calm down other than music. I slowly breathed in and out and then went over to Carson who was watching the two lovebirds eat eachother faces off 'Disgusting' I thought and lay my head on Carson's shoulder to which he jumps and gets a little startled until he sees it's me. I softly kiss his forehead and in return I hear an "OooooooooOo~" I groan and turn to my side only to see Alex, the one I apparently liked who has been with my best friend since 3rd grade. Yea I never told the guy I liked him like that but it always like a joke whenever I called him hot or said he made me question my sexuality to this day I still do not know if i like him all I know is that feel weird when my best friend kisses him maybe it's cause I'm just being overprotective of her. Decorsia my best friend since 3rd grade she's nice but she can not seem scary if she tried anywho I groan and roll my eyes at the 'I ship it's look from Alex while Decorsia sits there trying to figure out why I'm acting like this "Anyways seems like we need a lot to catch up on!" Alex says while he chuckles and Pat's a spot next to him I point to myself seeing if he was wanting me to sit with him I shake my head and Alex looked kinda upset not gonna lie I hated when he used that face on me cause I always fell for it then I remembered something about cars- "Hey Alex mind if I see what you have in your kitchen?" Carson asked me to look at him like he betrayed me. Alex nodded while I pouted for him to come back but he left for the kitchen. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Decorsia "May I talk with you outside?" She asked me to nod and we went outside. I felt kinda bad leaving Alex alone though- "I know what's going on" She says to which I became scared "What? Nah there's nothing on-" but before I could say anything she interrupted me "Sen! You like him! I know! Stop hiding it!" He raised his voice a bit. I flinched a bit but I couldn't stop what was coming next. "I-Im sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry!!" I screamed as I covered my face with my hands to cover up my tears. Decorsia wasn't much of a feelings person which meant he awkwardly hugged me and stayed like that for a couple of minutes until I finally stopped with the tears and manned up. I looked at her "But I don't know I think I'm just scared he's gonna hurt you" I said and looked down "I know but he actually likes me and wants to be with me" she says and smiles I smile too "Alright let's go back inside" I say but before I could grab the door knob Decorsia grabbed my arm "What about Carson though~?" She asks me to chuckle and nod "He's Amica mea." I say "Honestly, can you try and not speak latin here?" Decorsia giggles a little before softly ruffling my hair. To be honest Decorsia is like the older sister I've never had and it was nice cause I always felt like myself around her. I sighed and nodded going back inside to see Carsonbeing harassed with questions, most of them being 'Will hurt my little brother?!' Of course Alex saw me as a younger sibling. I mean who wouldn't? I quickly grabbed Carson and had him close to me like his face was to my chest close "U-Uhm Sen I'm f-fine!" He says while his face was squished to my chest "No touchy, Got it?" I said while staring at Alex "Ok Ok!" He says while laughing a bit I nod and place my head in the crook of Carson's neck "Don't let anyone ever touch, speak, or even look at you understand?" I whispered in his ear "Or Meum Angelum will get punishment~"  he shivered while the other two laughed I smirk and kiss his neck to which I earn a smack to the head "Mmmmm thanks baby~" I say and kiss his forehead "what did I sayyyyy!!!!" He squeaks and I laugh and nod.
After a while we talked about how we've been and I told Alex how I felt but I don't think Alex is fully comfortable with it but said he'll try and make it not weird after we all talked about our lives it was dark outside. Me and Carson decided to go back to the apartments and go to sleep after saying our goodbyes. We drove home and unlocked the doors to our apartment and I quickly yeeted my tank top and shoes off and ran to Carson's bedroom and flopped onto his bed. I hear giggles and soft footsteps and the door opened up to be meted with the most beautiful flower ever I sigh and pat the spot next to me and Carson cuddles up to me "Promise me you'll never leave me~" I ask with a soft smile "I promise you I will never leave you~" he says and instantly goes to sleep. "Thank you again, angel~"

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