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"Must you go?"

Tom smiles sadly, his fingers softly tracing my cheek. His curls stick to his forehead, still sweaty from our heated lovemaking. The fire crackles behind me, lighting Tom's face in flickering shadow. The firelight makes him look older than he is, throwing into sharp detail deepening lines of worry. There is now a near permanent line between his brow.

I cannot comprehend that yet another day has gone and soon he will leave me and Nicky behind to go and fight in France.

"For King and country, my love" he murmurs in response, holding me a little tighter. I can feel his heart beat, strong and sure, and I press my face into his chest, closing my eyes as I concentrate on the rhythm of his heart, committing the sound of it to my memory.

"I don't want you to go" I mumble into his chest, tapping my fingers in time with his heart.

"I don't want to go either, love. But I cannot stay here and do nothing. It wouldn't be right"

"Why did I have to marry someone so honourable?" I sulk. Tom chuckles and I savour the sound. God, I'm going to miss him.

"You'll be fine without me. Besides, everyone says it will be an easy win. I'll be home in time for Christmas"

I humph in reply. I don't share Tom's optimism. Call it woman's intuition.

"Look at me Nora" Tom murmurs and I do. I stare at him, memorising his features; his quirky left eyebrow; his soft serious eyes, warm and dark; his nose, rugged and slightly askew since he broke it messing around with the twins. He's half-smiling at me and I want nothing more than to lose myself in him again.

I kiss him, our lips still swollen from earlier. His right hand cradles my head as his left hand roams down my curves and squeezes my bottom. He groans into my mouth and I reply in kind, feeling him grow hard against my hip. I move my hand from his jaw to his manhood, grasping him firmly and rolling onto my back, guiding him between my legs once again.

As he slips inside we sigh in unison, our bodies once again united. He slowly begins to roll his hips, his lips on mine as he buries himself inside of me. I spread my legs wider and wrap my arms around his neck, fingers tangling in his curls.

The fire crackles peacefully next to us, the carpet soft against my skin. Tom is covered in a sheen of sweat, skin slick as it rubs against mine, and I roll him onto his back sitting up and taking control. Tom's hands cup my breasts, gently massaging them, his lower lip caught between his teeth as I rock my hips back and forth. I lean down and kiss him passionately, desperately, trying to mould myself to him so that he cannot leave me. I break away from him, gasping for breath.

"You better come back to me Thomas Holland. Or I'll hunt you down and kill you myself" I gasp, kissing him fiercely. His hands are back on my bottom, squeezing and clutching at my flesh.

"I promise" he gasps between heated kisses.

I sigh, my body tensing as my high draws closer. Tom grunts and flips me back onto my back, pinning me to the carpet. He gazes down at me, his eyes dark and fathomless, gasping for breath as he pauses momentarily.

"You have to promise me something too" he pants.


"Promise me you'll find a reason to laugh every day"

I pause.

How can he ask this of me? As if I could find anything funny or joyful without him!

"Nora, promise me. Promise me you'll laugh every day. Promise me that you'll smile, and dance, and laugh, and sing every day that I am gone. Nora, please. Promise me". Tom's voice is desperate, wavering as he pleads with me. My heart, already fragile, breaks just a little more seeing the sheer desperation in his face, the urgency in his voice.

"For you" I murmur softly.

"Promise me"

"I promise"

Tom kisses me hard, his hips jerking as he thrusts into me. My core clenches around him and I'm lost in the delirium of my orgasm, clinging to Tom and moaning incoherently as he continues to slam into me. He curses as he comes, collapsing on top of me as he fills my womb with his seed, his breath hot and heavy against my neck.

The burning passion that had consumed us moments ago quickly fades, leaving in its place the all consuming knowledge that soon we will be parted with no guarantee of Tom's return. It's like a gaping wound in my chest, ripped wide open for all to see.

A strangled sob escapes my lips and Tom's face crumples as he hovers over me, pulling me into his arms as he rolls onto his side and holds me close.

"I know, love. I know"


The fire has died down to a glowing bed of embers. As I stare into the hot coals, I focus on preserving Tom in my memory. Whole, warm and solid. Curls wild and sticky with sweat. His lips soft against the back of my neck as he cuddles me, his strong hands clutching me tightly. My head rests on his bicep and I trace the veins in his wrist, feeling his pulse beat beneath my finger.

"I love you" he murmurs into my neck, his voice soft and muffled in my flesh.

"I love you more" I whisper, pressing myself closer into him.

This is how we sleep, our bodies moulded against the other, our souls merged as one.

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