"Bad Ending"

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(I'm sorry to do this to y'all but...

Also, don't mind me, I'm gonna go have a mental fucking spasm. No joke, I teared up writing Thomas's ending. Thank you, two hours of depressing shit 🙃)

Micheal Myers:
Your heart beat in your ears as it felt like time had almost slowed to a complete stop. The bright flashing of red and blue illuminated the wet road and you could hear the distinct slapping of your sneakers hitting against the pavement. In the distance you could hear people shouting. The lights became more vibrant as you ran down the street, nearing them. It was then when the sounds of gunfire rang in your ears. Six shots. Your heart fell into your stomach as you heard them. At the same time it was like everything had come back to you in real time. You also realized you had come to a complete stop in the middle of the street. You shook your head and began running towards the police cars again. As you neared the crowd of people you could see a body laying in the middle of the street. Your eyes widened in horror. Micheal. You started pushing through people, trying to make your way to him. You broke through the crowds and were close enough to reach him. Your knees buckled under you but you never hit the ground. Hands grabbed your arms, pulling you away from him. You fought back, struggling to get to him. "No!" You looked up and saw a girl. She was covered in blood with a blanket around her shoulders. Paramedics were tending to her wounds and she stared at you. "You bitch! You did this!" She stared at you, surprised. The police pulled you back harder. Your mouth fell open but nothing came out and his form slowly dissapearded from your vision as they pulled you back, through the crowd. You couldn't think of anything to say. You could only helplessly watch as paramedics covered him and put him into the ambulance before driving away.

Jason Voorhees:
There was two left. Covered in dirt and blood, yet still going. They were working on getting in the barn. You watched as the entered it. You sat, waiting behind a tree. You tried to listen to anything and everything that would echo throughout the night. It wasn't long before you heard a scream rip through the air. Your blood froze in your veins as heard the yelling. You couldn't stand it. That scream had almost confirmed your thoughts. Jason had already gotten in before them. Waiting. Your jaw clenched as you dug your nails into the bark of the tree. Without a second thought you ran towards the barn. You reached it, grabbing the handle and ripping it open and flinging yourself in. You hadn't gotten more than a couple feet when you tripped. You crawled to your feet, turning to see the body of a young man laying their. His glossy eyes slowly traveled to you as he head followed. His attempts to say anything were cut off by the desperate attempt to draw air in. Blood poured out from his neck with every new gasp. You stared at him with an somewhat sympathetic look before your attention was ripped away from him as you heard the woman start yelling. You darted across to the storage room in the back of the barn. You stopped dead as you walked in on the woman facing Jason. She held an axe. She made the mistake of turning to face you, giving Jason the opportunity to raise his machete and strike. She caught him at the last moment but it came down heavy in the space between her neck shoulder. She gave a high scream and stumbled back. You ran forward to Jason. As you neared his side, you were caught. The woman swung the axe in attempt to plant it into Jason's side. You were too close. The axe blade swung, cutting deep into your side instead. You let out a sharp intake of air as heat poured down your side. You slowly looked down, hands shaking as they made their way to the the wound. Your legs went weak and you fell to your knees. Jason was at your side quickly. His hands frantic as he looked at the large slice. It was deep and you were bleeding out by the second. Your vision became blurry as you mumbled frantic sentences in apology and regret. Jason shook his head, his heart breaking as he began to see you slipping away. Your chest rose and fell hard and fast. He knew he couldn't do anything. He held up your torso, cradling you in a way. Tears fell silently as he watched your eyes flutter shut and your chest come to a rest.

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