Miscarriage hc's

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Micheal Myers:
Slighty upset about the whole ordeal.

●Even if he wasn't quite sure what he was doing, he was intrigued to have something of his come to life.

●Michael's more upset about seeing you grieving than his is about the child. He knew you cared for it a lot and it was taken from you. He'll try to comfort you but Michael's not one for showing emotion.

●The thing he doesn't like most is that he can't blame anything or anyone. It just happened and he can't do anything about it.

Jason Voorhees:
Almost as hurt as you are.

●Jason doesn't understand why it happened and he'll start to think it was something because of him. He didn't ever believe something so dead...well, undead, could create life.

●Will lay off killing and spend a lot of time with you. He'll comfort you in any way possible.

●Jason's sceptical at the idea of ever having another one. He just thinks the same thing will happen and he partially blames himself.

Bubba Sawyer:
●Doesn't understand very much.

●He's panicked at the sight of the unmoving child. He thought it was supposed to be doing things. Drayton in the other hand already knows the damage and try's to explain it to him.

●Ever after, he can't figure out what goes wrong and is even starting to hurt as he processes that he's lost the child.

●He'll grief with you, doing anything he can to stay by your side. Luckily drayton excuses him.

Thomas Hewitt:
Heartbroken and angry.

●Thomas doesn't understand what's gone wrong as Luda breaks it to him. All he knows is that he's lost  something he wanted most.

●Thomas will keep his distance for a while, taking a lot of his pain out on work. Other times, he wants to do nothing but stay with you.

●It will take Thomas awhile before he accepts the thought of trying again. He's afraid the same thing will happen.

Bo Sinclair:
Rather hurt by the outcome. And more hurt than he'd show.

●Whether he showed it or not, despite his fears, Bo was looking forward to having a kid with you. He thought it normalize his life just a little bit more, the way he wanted.

●He'll drink more than usual. At least for a little while. He hates seeing you so upset and he wants to fix it but he can't. He's powerless for the first time and he hates it. He'll blame himself for that fact.

●Bo will let you have your time but he still has hope to try again.

Vincent Sinclair:
Disturbed by it.

●Vincent is dissapointed that it didn't work out as both of you had hoped. To spend so much time and care into something and then to see it ending up hurting you upset him.

●Vincent understands your need for space afterwards. He'd like to have his too, actually. It let's him think over the situation.

●He would be okay with the idea of trying again. He'd be a little less excited but he wouldn't show it.

Lester Sinclair:
Sadnened and even a little less hopeful.

●He was so ready for something new. Something that he could learn off of. He even thought it would bring you two near inseperation. Now, it's gone.

●His mood would definitely be noticeable in change. He'd be less energetic, less friendly and talkative. He'd really just prefer staying at home and bonding with you.

●Lester would be rather excited to try again. He wouldn't let the first incident damper his hope for another go at having a child but he definitely wouldn't forget it either.

Rusty Nail:
More hurt than he'll lead on to be.

●Stays home and takes off for a while. He'll stay besides you, mainly because he knows he's powerless in trying to fix anything, but he knows it's best not to leave you.

●He has never been one for actually showing or using his softer side but now, he'll break somewhat and let you in. Letting you come a lot closer than anyone else ever has.

●Rusty will want to take some time before he thinks about trying again. And after he feels his been home enough, he'll be on the road again. Probably for weeks, even months again before returning home.

Billy Loomis:

●He can't and won't believe the doctor on what's happened and more importantly he'd want to see you right away.

●Billy would want to talk to you about it, even if you didn't. He'd let you have your space in reasonable amounts but he'd also be slightly invasive. He just wants to know you're okay. He's open to talk.

●Billy would agree if you'd want to try again. If not, he'd want you to, not wanting you to be stuck over it. He may seem insensitive at times but he doesn't mean it that way.

●Rather dissapointed

●He would never blame it on you. He knows it wasn't your fault, he's just upset that it didn't work out.

●Would let you have your time but also push you to move on. You can't dwell on it forever but he knows you're hurt.

●He wouldn't lose hope and would even encourage you two to try again in some time.

Brahms Heelshire:
More upset about seeing you hurt.

●He did want the child, yes, but he doesn't like you seeing so upset by the matter.

●He mainly doesn't like it because he doesn't fully understand what's happened or why it's gone wrong.

●Brahms will keep his distance from you. When he is around you, he is careful around you, not wanting to upset you in any way.

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