Finding out you're pregnant hc's

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Micheal Myers:
● Okay. Don't get me wrong, it's not that Micheal doesn't want it, it's just he never planned nor thought about having a family. Its just something that never crossed his mind.

● Stays distant for a few days after finding out. He has a lot of thinking to do.

●Once he finally accepts things as they are, he will sometimes sit and contemplate for hours at a time, trying to figure this whole "father" thing out.

●Becomes extremely protective in the later months of the pregnancy. He will not let anyone besides himself near you, let alone put you in front of harm's way. He becomes twice as protective once the baby arrives.

●Once you have had the child, Micheal is extremely cautious about it. He'll just sit/stand and watch you interact with it. He won't hold it unless you ask him to and even if, he will sit there, unmoving and stare at it. Not because he doesn't like it, but because he doesn't know what to do with it. But don't worry. He'll learn and get better.

Jason Voorhees:
●Extremly excited but also a little confused...then scared..

●Jason is quite amazed by the whole thing. He just doesn't get how someone like him could find someone like you and even start a family.

●Scared about becoming a father. He worries that the child may not like him, as ridiculous as that may be, and he worries he'll hurt it. Jason knows his strength but would never forgive himself if he did something whether it was an accident or not.

●Becomes a literal mother hen over you. He watches everything you do and thinks the worst of every situation. Especially if you've ever gone out without him. Even if it was just on a walk he'd nag you about how you could've fallen or twisted your ankle and how he wasn't there to help you or prevent it.

●Extremely careful around the child. He'll almost come to tears when he first sees it. And will overflow with joy as he holds it for the first time. Jason adores it and became devoted to it the first time it cooed at him.

Bubba Sawyer:
Overcome with joy. He'll hug the life put of you when you first tell him. In fact, he'll carry pride with him. Mood high for the rest of the week.

●Absolutely loves the thought of finally having a family with you. He's secretly been hoping for that day to come and lord believe it did.

●Thinks about how he'll be as a father. Kind of worries about it a bit too. He doesn't really have an idea about what to do, but he's trying to plan ahead. He'll calm down with a little reassurance though.

●Worries about you in the later months and will take good care of you. He even tries extremely hard to keep you away from victims. He'd never forgive himself if something happened.

●Cries when he first sees it. Bubba even falls in love all over again every time he sees you with it. He couldn't have asked for anything more.

Thomas Hewitt:
●Happier than ever before. Of course, he'll tell his mama and you can expect a lot of support from her. She's always wanted a grandbaby.

●Thomas is excited but scared. He worries about how he'll be as a father and worries how it'll affect the child. He also believes the child might be afraid if him.

●Becomes extremely protective. Keeps you away from any and all possibilities of danger. He won't let you do any heavy chores in the later months and will wait of you hand and foot.

●On the night of the baby's arrival, Thomas's anxiety goes through the roof. Your screams tear him apart and what makes it worse is the fact that he can't do anything. He means well but eventually has to be taken out of the room by Hoyt to wait. The whole time he can't help but think of everything that could go wrong.

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