Reaction to a Spanish accent

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Micheal Myers:
Pretty much the same thing as the British accent. However, if you yell at him in something in spanish you had better tell him what it is. He will trap your ass wherever you are until you tell him what it means. Don't even try to lie. He'll know.

Jason Voorhees:
A little confused but okay. He recognizes the accent and it doesn't really bother him. He's heard it before a couple of times from very few campers but knows a bit about it. He just sits there awkwardly if you say something in spanish though. He will try to make the effort to learn it a little bit.

Bubba Sawyer:
He likes it in general. It makes him think there's something special about it in a way. Just dont yell at him. It reminds him of those scary moms that carry the sandals. He secretly fear you'll pull one out one day. You'd better expect some shit from Drayton about these "Damn Mexicans..."

Thomas Hewitt:
Same as bubba. Reminds him of a scary spanish mom. Y'know, the ones with the sandals? He is okay with the accent most if the time but if you say something on the language he becomes uncomfortable being unable to determine the meaning. Also, be prepared for some shit from Hoyt, just like Drayton.

Bo Sinclair:
Spanish jokes here we come. He'll make fun of it any way he can. He'll make a lot of Mexican jokes so best your not one to easily get offended. In all he finds it kind of scary when you yell at him. Especially if you yell at him in all spanish. He cant understand it so he doesn't know how to defend himself.

Vincent Sinclair:
Finds it interesting. There's something about it that had first gathered his attention. Hearing that kind of accent especially in his setting was different for sure. Then again, hearing anyone's voice other than Bo's was a surprise.

Lester Sinclair:
He likes it. It's a special thing to him. For some reason, he thinks it makes you sound more badass. Especially if you ever stand up to Bo when he makes a comment or starts something while in one of his moods. He finds it rather attractive, really.

Rusty Nail:
Just like Micheal. Couldn't care less but don't you ever dare to swear at him in spanish. No matter what you say, he'll take it in offense since you wouldn't say it to him in English, he'll just assume its something against him. Especially in an argument.

Billy Loomis:
Will make up pet names because of your accent. He uses this opportunity to use Spanish based names. Things that would translate in to rather flattering compliments. Don't think of it too highly though. He probably google translated it.

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