Chapter 1 : "A Stranger"

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"Bye, Katherine" I waved a goodbye to my best friend and rushed towards my car.

"Hello Mama. Hey Mila" I greeted them while getting inside the car and sighing.

"Such a tiring and depressing day it was!" I let out while fidgeting with my fingers.

The environment inside the car was kind of tense. I didn't want to repeat the year but since I couldn't manage to score good in the exams, my parents wants me to repeat and so does my brothers. I thought Henry would understand that repeating won't change anything but he also took Mama and Wyatt's side. I was like let's just give it a try then.

Today was a tiring day because my best friend and I, we kept crying due to the fact that we'll separate now and we'll be in different sections, the idea we both, clearly despised.

"Avery" My mama spoke.

"Hmm" I hummed and turned to look at her. I was sitting in the front seat with her since this is my spot.

"First we'll meet Baron and afterwards we'll go home. Okay" I nodded. But who's Baron? I guess my cousin. Maybe. I don't really know for sure since in my family, no one really likes us so we try to keep our distance from everyone. And I'm guessing Baron is my Uncle's son. I once saw him when I was little. When I recognized who the Baron guy really is, I decided to ask Mama.

"Why are we meeting him?"

"It's because I asked him to buy me some medicines that I need. But they weren't available here and since he was going abroad anyway, I asked him to bring me some"



We were waiting outside the college for Baron for like 1 hour and he still wasn't here. I hate him already. I mean what kind of a person makes their elders wait like this. I never should've agreed to wait. I was already riled up for the unfair things happening in my life and now this, too!

"I'm getting in the car!" I informed Mama who was still standing so that it'll be easy for Baron to find her.

"I'm tired" I sighed while closing the door shut.

"I'm tired, too!" Mila spoke from behind, irritation evident in her voice.

After 5 minutes I could here Mama talking to someone, I pulled the window down and peeked through it. There stood a very handsome guy with Mama. His masculine tall figure was to die for, his light blue eyes that shone brightly due to the sunlight falling on them and his chiseled jaw as sharp as a knife. Damn, he was hot. His plump pink lips were pursed into a thin faint smile which I guessed was because he was awkward around Mama. But he'll soon get along since anyone can get along easily with Mama.

I smiled at that. He already handed the medicines to Mama and she was still standing there, talking to him! God! I got out of the car and walked up to them.

"Mama, I'm tired. Let's just go home" I whined not noticing the stare from Baron.

When I looked at him, he was confused and slack jawed. His eyes as wide as saucers. I wanted to laugh at his expressions. Why was he making that face? Get a grip, dude! I laughed internally at him gawking at me like that. Rolling my eyes at him, I looked at mama with pleading eyes.

"Ok. Fine. Get in the car. I'm coming in 5" I nodded. I walked up to the car and got inside the car.

My window was still down so I could hear them talking.

"Who was she?" Baron asked with his angel like voice. It was for the first time that I heard his voice. And it was deep, velvety and smooth.

"She's my daughter. Avery!"

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