Chapter 5 : "Addicted"

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I turned my head to the side and I could feel him in the crook of my neck. His breathing turned rapid. I'm guessing, he's angry. But why was he? Didn't I tell him that no touching?

I placed my hands on his chest and slightly pushed him away. I was a mess at the moment. Without looking at him or waiting for him to say anything, I dashed out of that place and looked for my best friend. She was talking to Ava and by her expressions I could tell she was annoyed at something or maybe someone. I rushed to her side. I really didn't like Ava. She was always trying to be possessive over Katherine when in real she's my best friend, not hers!

"Hey" I encircled my arm around Kat's.

"Oh. Why don't you spend a little more time with your prince charming?" Kat said sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"No, I want to spend some quality time with my Princess!" I smiled at her sheepishly and pinched her cheeks. She shook her head at me.


"I'm starving!" I said while rubbing my belly and looking at Mila with one eye. I'm as lazy as a turtle and right now I was hungry but I was too lazy to get up and make something for myself so I was whining like a 3 year old in order to persuade Mila to get me something from the kitchen to eat.

"Milaa~" I sang her name out. She glared at me. She was studying for her test.

"What?" She snapped.

"I'm hungry" I smiled sheepishly at her. Sighing, she placed her notebook with a thud on the table and once she was standing, she stomped her feet on the ground and walked out of the room.

She's the best sister ever. My parents have two sons and two daughters but whenever someone asks them that who's their favorite child they'll always choose Mila and I must admit they're right. She's hospitable, caring, loving, responsible, kind and the list of her qualities goes on. I always behave like this and she doesn't even complain about it.

Mila was back with a plate filled with pieces of apples.

"Here" She placed the plate in front of me.

"Now don't bother me. I have a test!" She exclaimed.

"Love you!" I said before I started eating my apple.


"Go to the roof. I wanna see you and-" He paused for a moment.

"And what?" I said while trying to calm myself.

"And I have to tell you something" The way he said that made me suspicious. What was he gonna tell me? I was getting worried. Anyways, I rushed upstairs and looked at him through the small window in the wall. The roof of our house was supposed to be the first floor but Papa stopped the construction due to some reasons so it was more like an upper portion without the ceiling.

I peeked through the window, still on the call.

"I'm here" He looked up at me. I could see the pain in his eyes. Was he upset? His eyes looked puffy, as well and had dark circles under his eyes. After like staring at each other for an eternity, he broke the silence.

"Avery, I don't think we'll work out. You'll never get to see me ever again nor will I ever come here to see you! Let's just call it quit!" He said that and I hung up on him, not wanting to hear what else he had to say. He looked at me, trying to read me and memorize my face. I was expecting that he'll call back but he didn't.

He hopped in his car and drove off. I was discombobulated. What did he just say? Was it that easy for him to leave me after making me literally addicted to his presence around me? I breathed out. God knows for how long was I keeping the breath in! My heart became heavy at the thought that he was leaving me, forever. Was he playing with me the whole time but why do I feel like he really loves me!

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