Chapter 6 : "Skeleton"

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"You go inside. I'll be back in a minute" He let go of my hand and rushed somewhere without waiting for my reply. I didn't say yes to him. I mean I know that I like him a lot and I love him as well but I just couldn't bring myself to say yes, not yet.

I went inside the restaurant and walked up to the room Baron had already reserved was shocked to see the decorations. There were balloons that hung to the ceiling and was a layered chocolate cake at the centre of the table across which Mama and Mila sat. I gasped, suddenly realizing it's Mama's birthday. How can I forget? He remembered! I smiled and went to sit with Mama.

"Sorry, I forgot" I hugged and kissed her on the cheek.

"It's Okay!" She smiled and kissed me back on the cheek.

"I have to tell you something!" Baron walked in while breathing heavily, as if he made a run to come here.

"What?" I said, standing up and walking up to him.

"Why are you panting?" I said while placing my hand on his shoulder.

He straightened up and cleared his throat. The next thing he did made blink to calm my nerves. He bent down on his knee and extended the hand in which he held the flowers.

"Will you be mine, forever?" He asked with his blue eyes piercing into my soul.

I was lost in his beautiful blue eyes. My breath came out shaky and I was having a mental debate about whether I should say yes or not. I glanced at Mama who gave me a tight lipped smile. Turning back to him, I extended my hand to get the flowers from him.

He was looking at me just like the way he looked at me when he first saw me: With love and passion. I took the flowers from him but didn't say anything and just looked at Mama and then back at him.

"Thank you, Baron. For everything and for remembering Mama's birthday" I smiled and went back to sit with Mama while placing the bouquet of roses on the table.

I knew I should've said something but I didn't want to. I didn't want to say yes. Not yet. I will when the time comes.


After we celebrated Mama's birthday, he asked Mama to take me to the mall which Mama allowed. I was kind of confused at him because he didn't even ask for my answer. Wasn't he curious? Didn't he want to know what my feelings are or maybe he has predicted them already? Is it that obvious?

"Look around!" I was pulled out of my thoughts when he nudged me with his elbow. I smiled and nodded.

I was walking around the mall and I saw a dress that really took my breath away. It was a casual outfit which consisted of high waisted grey jeans, a waist length pink and white ombre shirt and a black coat on top. My feet took me towards the shop where the dress was. I didn't go inside because I didn't want him to buy it for me. I stared at the outfit behind the glass.

"You like it?" I looked at him.

"Oh, uh- No"

"Let's go" I walked past him but he grabbed me and dragged me inside the shop.

Gosh, he's so stubborn.


"Bye" I waved at him and got out of his car with the bag in my hand. He bought me the dress back at the mall, the one I liked. I kept saying that I don't want it but he insisted, well not insisted instead he bought it and ordered me to take it. He can be bossy! And I love it.

Getting inside the house, I walked up to my room and placed the bag in the cupboard. It wasn't the first time he bought me a gift. He buys me gifts from time to time and I cherish them. Infact he bought me a fluffy teddy bear with two small teddy bears attached to it. I picked it up from the cupboard and held it close to my chest.

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