Chapter 4 : "Protect Your Heart"

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Opening my eyes, I expected to be surrounded by the dull colored walls of the hospital but I was home.

"Who brought me here?" I looked over to Mila who was using Mama's phone.


"Did he pick me up?" I asked her, knowing the reply already.

"Yes!" She said while getting her attention back to her phone.

I got up immediately and felt my head spinning at 360 degrees. Blinking, my vision returned to normal and walked up to her.

"Give me the phone" She looked up and glared at me. But when I returned the glare, she handed me the phone. Good. Such a nice sister I have. She really is supporting. The best sister anyone could ever want. She's just like my second best friend.

"Don't get too involved with him!" She stood and warned before leaving the room.

What does she mean by that?

Shrugging the thoughts, I texted Baron to thank him.

"Thankyou for what you did!" I texted and waited for his reply. Within a second, he replied. Does he waits for my messages all the time? I smiled at the thought.

"I was supposed to do that for you! Remember, I love you!" After reading the message, I chuckled nervously. I don't know how to reply so I changed the topic.

"Still, thankyou"

"You're welcome, 😗" He replied with a kiss emoji.

When I didn't text him after that, he called and we talked for an hour. The whole time he was the one talking and I was the one listening. I was nervous. He's the type who can be really bold about his feelings but I'm not. I've never been in love before and this was certainly my first time ever. He just became my first love.

Smiling, I hung up and went back to my studies. I had a test tomorrow and I haven't even prepared for it yet.


"Katherine, he really is caring and I really want you to meet him"

Katherine was here at the college to get her certificate. She informed me last night that she'll come visit the college and will meet me as well.

"Do you really think he deserves you? You're innocent and naive, Avery! These guys will play with your feelings just like a sport" She said worryingly. That's why I wasn't going to tell her but not telling her was kind of a burden on my conscience since she's my best friend and I tell her everything. For the very first time, it's something I hid from her for a long time and I couldn't just keep it inside of me anymore so I let it all out in front of her. Glad, she didn't judge me.

"Of course. Shouldn't it be other way around? I mean Do I really deserve someone like him? Above all, Katherine, he really likes me. You've no idea how much he worries about me!"

"Whatever, Avery. I just want you to protect your heart!" I scoffed.

"I can't be a cold hearted person like you" I said and folded my arms across my chest. I heard her gasp and pursed my lips to contain my laughter.

"Oh My God, Avery! You think I'm cold hearted?" She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Of course. You haven't said yes not even to a single soul. Doesn't that mean you're cold hearted and doesn't care about a guy's feelings?" I said sarcastically to tease her.

"I'm just protecting my heart, Okay! I don't wanna get hurt. Because no one shows you their intentions! What if I say yes to a guy and then in the end it doesn't work out and he leaves me broken hearted? Isn't it better to protect your heart from the beginning when you know about something that will never happen?" She was right. Well, she always beats me in any sort of argument. She's really good at arguments.

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