Chapter 8 : "Fighting Is Useless"

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8 Months Later...

It's been eight months since Baron and I broke up. After we did, I was miserable. Wyatt and Papa stopped talking to me. Henry was disappointed. Mama was angry at me. In fact, even Kat was mad at me for not doing what she told me to do : To stay away from Baron. That time was miserable for me. It was as if I lost every important person in my life because of Baron.

After that whole rampage he did at our house, he called me only to tell me that I'm his and will be his forever. I was mad so I hung up on him and blocked his number. Alex and Kat helped me a lot to move on from him but he is my first love, I can't move on that easily. He broke me.

Alexander Smith became my friend after I broke up with Baron. He's the topper of our class but he was the first person in my class who sensed that something was wrong with me. Because of him, I could take my mind off of Baron and got myself absorbed in my studies so much that I finally could secure 2nd position in class! Well, Alex was 1st.

"Hey" Alex said while sitting on the bench, in front of me.

"Here. I got you these" He grinned while placing the sandwich and juice on the table.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

My best friend tells me to stay away from Alex because I might break his heart. She says he has feelings for me and now when I think of it, maybe she's right. The way he cares about me and opens up to me only, makes me suspicious of him. But I'm glad college will be over, soon. Then we won't have to see each other often.

"I'm done" I said while standing up and walking towards the dustbin to throw the garbage.

My nostrils were hit by a recognizable scent. I looked at my surroundings while sniffing to find the source, hoping it'd be coming from the person I hope to see. Much to my disappointment, it was someone else's. The cologne belonged to Baron and right now, a girl from my class was wearing it.

My eyes welled up and I smiled, shaking my head at myself. Will I ever be able to forget about him? Will my heart ever stop loving him? I guess it's a big no.

I sighed and made my way towards the class.


I've been standing outside the college, waiting for Mama to come back from the shop, with my bag slung over my shoulder. Let me do the math : the sun is a literal ball of hell + I am standing right under the Sun since there's no place around here to get shade = I'm a standing sweat machine.

I'm currently standing along the pavement, trying to cover myself with the book I have in my hand, waiting desperately for Mama to come back and get me out of this hell hole. It was only after I stepped out of the college that I realized how truly warm the day had been. I sighed when Mila came and stood along with me. I felt bad for her as she'll also be enduring the heat coming from Sun.

Closing my eyes, my brain took me back to the day when Mama was busy and couldn't pick us up so she asked Baron to pick us and drop us at home. How happy I was with Baron. All of us were happy. I wish he trusted me because if he did, he would've listened to what I had to say.

He didn't believe me instead he believed some random guy who blabbed nonsense about me that wasn't even true.

I was lost in my thoughts when someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I turned to find Mila looking at me with concern on her eyes.

"Let's go!" She gave me a tight smile, knowing exactly what was going through my mind. She knows me better. I nodded and saw Mama pulling the car over.

Hopping in, I sighed thinking that it's probably going to be a tiring and boring life without having Baron in it.

I wonder how he's doing. Is he fine? Does he miss me just like I miss him or has he moved on already?

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