Chapter 2 : "I Love You"

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"You know, when I confessed. I was playing with you" Hah , I knew it before you even told me.

"Good" Was all I could say.

"Wait here while I call Mama" I told him to wait in the guest room.

I knew he was playing with me. I didn't want him to be sincere anyway. I don't need a man to be happy. I'm happy the way my life is.

After I informed Mama about his arrival, I came back to my room and texted my best friend.

"I don't like Oscar, Katherine!"

Oscar is the guy who used to stare at me in college and one day he texted me. I replied and he confessed. He is a nice guy and I've known him for months now. He's a good friend and nothing else. He told me that he'll wait for me but I don't want him to wait for me.

"Come one, Av! He's a really good guy. He will keep you happy. What else do you want?" She texted back and she was right.

"I know but he's just not my type" I said while my wandered off to Baron. He really is my type but what he said this morning, I can't let it slide.

"Whatever. You won't listen to me anyway! Did you watch the kdrama I suggested to you or not?" Here we go again.

"Yes, I did" I lied and laughed at her.

"Avery" Mila shouted while I locked the phone and plugged in the charger since it was running out of battery.

"You know what Baron just told me?" I looked at her curiously. I don't know why was I? I mean I shouldn't even care, No?

"What?" I asked, curiously.

"He just told me that he's falling for you! Above all, he said he was playing with you before, but after getting to know you a little better, he's hooked to you. He said you're the type of girl a guys wants. The innocent and pure type! He wants to get married to you"

"Oh" I didn't know how to respond. I was happy to hear that but I don't know why!


"I want to go to Katherine's house"

"Yeah sure, I'll drop you off" Mama kissed me on the forehead.

I went to Katherine's house, I wanted to discuss about the party at our college. I wanted her to come and it's been quite sometime since we last talked to each other like the way we used to all because of the distance between us due to the repetition of a whole damn year.


"It's been long!" She hugged me and stepped aside to let me in her house

"Oh god. Finally, it feels like we are best friends" She laughed at that.

She made some fries for me since I love them when she makes them for me. We were eating when her mother came in.

"Hello, Mrs. Knight. How are you?" I greeted her.

"I'm fine. How are you? How's your mother?"

We talked for a while and finally it was about time to go back home. It was getting dark.

"I think I should call Mama now. It's getting late" I told Katherine and caressed her hair while her head rested in my lap. She pouted and I smiled, knowing that she also wants to spend some more time.

"Can you just stay the night. We'll have a sleepover party. I really don't want you to go. I mean I still have A LOT to tell you" She said while waving her hand in air emphasizing on the word "a lot". I chuckled. Ah, she'll never grow up. Who would believe that she's 18 after finding out about her immature nature.

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