Chapter 3 : "Stay"

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"Katherine, I'm going to study for a while. I'll talk to you later. Okay?" I texted Katherine. We've been texting each other for like hours and both of us have exams and mine's tomorrow. I haven't studied well for it. I know she'll do better on the exam but about myself, I can't say that.

"Yeah, sure. Make sure you don't leave that Diversity Among Animals chapter. It's important. Kay?" She texted and man, I love her when she tells me about the important chapters. Tomorrow's going to be my exam of Biology, which I hates the most.

"Done. Goodbye"

After that, I placed the phone with me and took out my book from the bag and started studying. I was so immersed in studying that I didn't notice the chiming of my phone but when I did, I looked at it only to his texts on Whatsapp.

Unlocking the phone, I opened his messages.

"Hey, Avery. How are you?" I ignored his text and locked the phone. He was online.

Again, the phone chimed due to notifications. Many notifications, this time.

"Why did you just ignore my text?"

"Are you okay?"


"Reply me back!"

"I said stop ignoring me!"


Sighing in frustration, I text him back.

"What is your problem?"

"I just wanted to check on you" He replied.

"I'm not dead, Okay! I'm perfectly fine. And stop bothering me. I have an exam tomorrow. I don't have any time to waste on texting you back!" I replied some harsh words. And I knew he'll get hurt but I can't let him in. I have to protect myself because I don't know how and when, but I have started to take a liking to him.

"Okay. I won't text you anymore" With that I locked my phone and my mood dropped. Why was I gloomy all of a sudden?


My exams were over and I wasn't really happy about my performance on the exam. I mean I tried to do my best but I couldn't stop thinking about Baron. He hasn't texted me after that nor have I seen him. I was getting a little upset about his sudden disappearance and was kind of disappointed. He did say he likes me and wants to marry me but why wasn't he here in the most important phase of my life?

I grabbed Mama's phone and rushed upstairs.

"Mama, I'm upstairs" I shouted from the mid staircase to inform Mama.

I opened his chat on whatsapp, gladly he was online. I contemplated for a while whether I should text him or not but god knows what came over me because I did. And that of apology.

"I'm sorry about the other day!"

"It's Okay!" Wow that was fast. He replied instantly. I knew he was upset. I didn't like him being upset because of me.

"So, how are you?" I tried to strike a conversation.

He didn't reply, instead he called. I picked his call and placed the phone next to my ear.

"I'm fine. How are you?" He spoke from the other side.

"I'm fine. How's everyone at home?" I didn't really like to talk on the phone. I don't talk to my best friend because both of us don't like to call instead we just like texting. That's kind of our thing but with him I was loving the feeling of talking on a call.

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