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Gimme Happy Ever After
Gimme, Gimme That Thing Called Love

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Little Morioka could feel herself drifting off in her seat. Her eyes drifted every so often to the clock above the chalkboard which Ms. Arima stood in front of, but it never changed whenever she looked. Time seemed to pass by so slowly towards the end of the school year. Their brains were focused on passing final exams and becoming one of the Big Three next year—but their bodies were more concerned with fixing their broken sleep schedules.

Morioka had stayed up past 4 in the morning to help Nejire study for an English exam she had the following morning. Mei was the only smart one between the three that decided to tap out at 12 and head home so she could get some sleep in. Morioka was too devoted to helping her friend study until she knew all the material by heart and wouldn't forget a single word or sentence.

By the end of their study session, Nejire was confident she would come out with a perfect score. Morioka was confident she'd pass out in the middle of eating breakfast—which she almost did.

Who knew staying up so late would be worse than having a hangover?

Morioka groaned and rubbed her tired eyes.


Ms. Arima's voice sounded like a crack of a whip, ringing throughout the classroom. Morioka winced and looked up at her golden eyed sensei. Arima raised a disapproving eyebrow at her pupil.

Arima was in no way mean to her Class 2-B students. In fact, she loved them all dearly and wanted nothing more than for them to succeed in their studies. But she and Morioka never got along for whatever reason. Probably due to the fact that Morioka could literally never stay focused in her class.

Her teacher didn't even have to say a word of instruction for Morioka to know she was in trouble. Her punishment was always completing some sort of assignment on the board. However, this time she had to pass out papers to her classmates. Maybe that would pass the time.

How she managed to read the names on the papers and pass them out with tired eyes... no one knows.

Well actually, she failed passing the papers out quite a few times. It was as if she was suddenly dyslexic and couldn't read the proper names on the papers. Or she couldn't recognize clearly who was sitting in front of her. Either way, she sucked.


On any other occasion, Morioka would shoot out of her seat like a bullet and rush out of the room to head to lunch. But she could hardly lift her bag onto her shoulder.

Groggily, she stood up and dragged herself out of the classroom. Arima shook her head as she left the room, assuming Morioka had another hangover. That was one thing that Arima and Morioka had a mutual agreement on—Arima knew she drank and had the occasional hangover, but Arima never tattled to the Principal. She knew the girl couldn't help it.

Morioka pressed a hand to her mouth as she yawned. Her eyes started watering and she sniffled, wiping her nose.

"Hi Rio."

Morioka turned to the right, seeing the timid Amajiki standing next to the doorway. He had his hands low in front of him, holding a white plastic coffee cup in his grip. His thumb rubbed the side of the cup nervously, probably nervous from having to greet all the other Class 2-B students that had left the room before Morioka. Usually Morioka was always out of the classroom first.

Gimme Gimme - Tamaki AmajikiWhere stories live. Discover now