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Gimme, Gimme that thing called Love
I see now!

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"Rio... that's kind of a big pour."

Mei raised an eyebrow at her red-haired friend. Morioka bit her lip as she stared at the very tall shot of vodka she just poured for herself. Straight vodka, just so we're clear. Her blush red eyes shot up to Mei and gave her a small glare before looking back down at the shot, seeming extremely determined on whatever was on her mind. It looked as if the vodka was some hurdle she had to mount.

However, that wasn't the real reason why she was so anxious.

"Shush, 'Zawa, I need this," Morioka scolded.

Mei's voice fizzled in and out as she sighed through the phone on FaceTime.

Liquid courage, liquid courage, liquid courage, Morioka reminded herself.

"I really don't understand why you need it. If you two have been getting along so well lately, there's no reason he'd say no to you. I mean, if I was him I definitely wouldn't say no! Look at you!" Mei snickered.

Morioka groaned, laying back on her bed.

"I regret calling you."

Mei gasped through the phone. "Hey! I'm still your best friend here! I'm trying to give words of encouragement! Is that not what I should be doing?"

Morioka laughed and sat up again, sitting criss cross on her bed with the shot of vodka sitting on her bed stand. "Even if you know he's gonna say no, that doesn't make it any less nerve wracking! Maybe I should make him a poster and ask him in person!"

Mei raised an eyebrow at her. "You hardly have the stomach to ask him through text... and you're asking me if you should ask him in person?"

Morioka bit her lip. "You have a point."

Mei hummed through the speaker, agreeing with her.

Morioka picked up the shot of vodka and stared at it. Liquid courage. That's all she needed. Then she'd be able to ask Akibara to go to the dance with her.

This was pretty late notice as is. There were only a few weeks left till finals and till the dance afterwards. Of course, Morioka was more concerned with the dance than she was with the actual final exam. The dance took priority. But what took top priority was asking Akibara to the dance. This dance was more of a girls ask guys sort of thing anyway. Actually... most dances were girls ask guys. Surprisingly, the U.A. guys had less guts than the girls when it came to asking their crushes out or to dances. Which was especially ironic considering the Hero Course guys were training to be brave pro heroes.

They all had the flirt game the size of an ant. All of them.

"Alright!" Morioka suddenly exclaimed, startling Mei through the phone. Mei jumped and nearly threw her iced coffee out of her hands.

"I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna ask Aki to the dance!"

Mei smirked and rolled her eyes. "Down that first and then I'll believe you're gonna do it once I hang up."

Morioka nodded profusely with a light blush appearing on her cheeks. She brought the clear glass to her lips and tipped her head back, downing the alcohol like a champ. When the shot was gone, she brought her head up again and squinted, sticking her tongue out at the acidity of the drink as it burned her throat going down. She shook her head and closed her eyes.

Gimme Gimme - Tamaki AmajikiWhere stories live. Discover now