
368 28 13

Gimme years, and I'll want more time
Gimme, Gimme that thing called Love

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The red haired hero-in-training knelt over a couple who clung tightly to each other on the cracked pavement. Her bruised expression softened as she stood over them, comforting them.

"It'll be alright! The heroes are here!" She reconciled.

A loud roar shook through the alleyway, so loud that the buildings around them vibrated and swayed. A giant figure loomed over the buildings, smashing its gangly forearm into the closest wall below his eye level. The villain was by no means large and bulky, instead he was inhumanly tall with lanky limbs protruding awkwardly from his slender frame. He looked more like a giant skeleton than a fleshy human.

The villain opened his gaping mouth, letting loose another roar of seismic proportions. Morioka winced and clasped a hand to her ear at the sheer volume of the villain's cry. The couple huddled on the ground in front of her clung to each other tighter, crying.

The little stealth hero rushed to their aid by picking up their arms and trying to get them to stand. If she wanted to save them, they had to get out of harm's way.

They followed her silent commands, getting up in a hurry but refusing to let go of one another. Morioka couldn't blame them.

A swirling bolt of blue energy crashed into the giant's side with a loud BOOM. The villain stumbled and knocked his shoulder into the wall beside him. The building shook and crumbled at the impact, causing bits of debris and rubble to come crashing to the pavement next to Moyamoya and the bystanders.

The couple screamed out in fear, now running to the exit of the alleyway to avoid being crushed under the villain or the debris he knocked down. Morioka reached out to push them along and let out a sigh of relief as they finally disappeared into the shadows, away from the danger.

Unfortunately, the villain undoubtedly heard the screams of the innocent, grabbing its attention.

All Morioka could think about was getting the bystanders to safety. After that, she needed to get out of her friends' and the heroes' way. She was a stealth hero. She couldn't—

Something large and long suddenly pinched at the back of her neck. The villain squeezed at the back of her neck and yanked her backwards. Morioka yelped as she felt the ground underneath her suddenly disappear. In a sudden rush of wind, the gangly villain flung her to the side, tossing her like an unwanted toy.

All the air in her lungs escaped her as her back collided with a brick wall. She could hear the cracking of her bones as she slumped to the ground, unmoving. Her breath hitched as she tried to reclaim the air she once had. She didn't even attempt to move as she lay on her side with her obviously injured back pressed against the wall she had crashed into.

Her vision blurred. She could see the villain's feet stomping across the pavement, making the ground quake beneath her. Her eyelids fluttered but she knew she had to stay awake.

Oh the mess she's gotten herself into...

She should've listened to Edgeshot before running into the alley. A mix of "Don't!"s and "Get back here!" were lost to her as she ran straight into the darkness. She wasn't a physical hero, she couldn't fight like the others. But she could still offer her help to those who needed it.

That was the whole reason she wanted to be a hero to begin with: she wanted to help those that didn't have the power to help themselves. Just seeing the fear in their eyes was all she needed to fuel her willingness to put their lives before hers. She knew that fear... and she didn't wish it upon anyone.

Gimme Gimme - Tamaki AmajikiWhere stories live. Discover now