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Gimme, Gimme that thing called Love
I'll brave it.
Thick 'n thin, rich or poor time

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"Mount Lady told me she was going to help me pick out a dress for the dance! Don't you think that's sweet of her?" Morioka asked with a smile as she walked beside her work study pro.

The pro hero's expression didn't even flinch as he responded, "I think that's a terrible idea."

Morioka frowned at her mentor. "Huh? Why?"

The pro hero glanced at her and brought his fist up, beginning to list his reasons on his fingers. His spiky silver hair masked half of his face and the bottom part of his face was covered by a blue and gold mask. His expression remained stern with her although their conversation was somewhat lighthearted.

"She is going to give you some dress that either bares everything, is skin-tight, has the most miniscule amount of fabric possible, or all of the above. Must I say more?"

Morioka sighs, tapping her finger to her chin. "I suppose you have a point. Good thing I already set up dress shopping with Nejire and Minizawa then."

"If you went dress shopping with that woman I would have choked her out myself before she made any rash decisions for your dress code."

Morioka giggled at her mentor—the Ninja Hero: Edgeshot.

Morioka's quirk, "Puff," gave her a big advantage when it came to any sort of stealth mission. She could protrude mass amounts of smoke from her ears and conceal herself and her fellow heroes in a matter of seconds. So, she decided she wanted to be a stealth hero unlike any sort of super hands on physical hero like Mirio was on his way to becoming. Morioka was fine working behind the scenes and contributing to stealth rather than in a fist fight all the time.

And who better to protege for than the Ninja hero himself?

Edgeshot was definitely willing to be Morioka's work study mentor when he found out that she was aiming to be a stealth hero like himself. He knew he could teach her the ropes in the field. However, he didn't really get the chance to meet the real Morioka before he took her under his wing.

He originally met Morioka in a professional interview with her. And the interview was just that: professional. It took a matter of a couple days before Morioka started showing her full personality and colors around him. And it was then that they realized their personalities were strikingly different from each other.

Morioka was bright and bubbly and chatty, while Edgeshot was always stern and level headed. However, they made an unlikely team. Edgeshot eventually taught Morioka how to transition into his determined nature when in missions and save her cheeriness for outside the battlefield. While Morioka was overly chatty with him unlike most of his compatriots, he was a good listener.

If anything, Edgeshot was more like her therapist that would listen to her problems and just nod along. He was listening most of the time. Not all the time, but most of the time.

"Oh look! There's Amajiki and Fat Gum!" Morioka tugged on Edgeshot's sleeve and pointed into the distance.

Morioka quickly weaved her way through the crowd of people before Edgeshot could stop her, calling Suneater's name to get their attention. As soon as Amajiki heard his hero title, he turned around toward the voice and locked eyes with Morioka. His cheeks flushed and he literally hid behind Fat Gum.

Gimme Gimme - Tamaki AmajikiWhere stories live. Discover now