Chapter 3

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Olivia's POV

Two years ago, I found out that I was pregnant with Aiden's child. He was three weeks old when I found out. I was so glad to have Leila back then, she helped me through a lot. I honestly doubt that I would still be breathing now if it weren't for her.

I woke up at around 6 when I started making breakfast. Jamie was still asleep when I woke up, I made his favorite today, strawberry waffles.
I made it together with a few bacon strips and some fresh orange juice. A few minutes after I finished cooking Jamie came out of his room, rubbing his eyes.

"Mommy?" He yawned, his blue eyes barely open.
"Yes, baby?" I asked as I motioned him to sit on the dining table. I turned off the stove and picked up the food and put it on the table.
Jamie's eyes lit up once he saw his favorite waffles being served.
"Mommy, aunt Leila?" He blubbered as he tried to eat the waffle with his hands.
"Yes, Jay, aunt Leila would be coming over again today." I chuckled as I gave him a fork. Leila wasn't available yesterday so her husband, Jason, looked after Jamie while I was at work. Unfortunately, he left as soon as he got Jamie to bed, because of an emergency at work, I didn't get to thank him.

Mental note, swing by their house later and give them a little something from the cafe. I thought to myself.

"Okay, do you want to watch Nemo today, Jay?" I asked him once we finish eating. He excitedly raised his hands, "Nemo! Nemo! Nemo!" He cheered. I put on his favorite movie and cleaned up the table.

After I finished washing the plates, I noticed that it was already 6:45 am.
I left Jamie for a while to get ready, I wore my uniform and did my make up in the living room since I don't really like leaving Jamie by himself for a long time.
After everything, the clock showed that it was 7:30 am. I tried calling Leila because I was already running late.

"Leila? Where are you?" I asked.

"Hey Livvy, I'm almost there, I'm just picking something up" she said breathlessly.

"Alright, I'm just letting you know that I'm done getting ready." I said thankful to have a very caring friend. "You know L, I can pay for a baby sitter you guys don't always have to go all the way here just to tale care of Jay."

"Oh no it's fine Liv, you know I adore Jay and besides, this is a really good practice for me and Jason for when we get pregnant." I can hear the smile in her voice, the have been trying for a baby just recently and honestly, I was very happy for them. But there was this small part of me that keeps on saying that they aren't going to stay forever, they have their own lives and once they get pregnant, I shouldn't depend on them on looking after Jay.

"Hey Liv, I'm out front, can you open the door for me?" She asked, I quickly hung up  and opened the door for her. 

"L, thank you for coming over." I said grateful.

"Liv, come on, I told you I love Jay, and no way I'm just gunna let you leave him with some random baby sitter I don't know." She grabbed some orange juice and checked her wrist watch.

I started getting some eggs from the fridge and I was about to prepare some breakfast for her but she grabbed my hand and shoved my bag in my arms.

"You're going to be late!" She screeched as she practically threw me out of my own house. I quickly yelled out a thank you then I started running to the bus stop.
I tried to catch my breath, I barely got to the cafe on time.
I changed to my uniform and started to go on my day as per usual.

Aiden's POV

I stared blankly out of the windows in my office, over looking New York City.

It's been two years.

Two damn long years since I last saw her.

My heart ached as I remembered my wife, my everything. Nothing changed I loved her, I still do, but she broke my heart to a million pieces. The only thing that changed is that she is now my ex-wife and she is no where to be found.

I kept reminding myself that she is nothing but a seductress and a gold digger.

I scowled at the memory of her betraying me.


I came home extremely tired, despite this I was still excited to come home to my gorgeous wife, Lia.

"Lia? I'm home!" I called out the small yet cozy home we own.

The business I was currently running was small and I was still hoping for the partnerships with other companies. The company's growth was slow but it's better than nothing.
"Aiden!" My Lia ran to my arms as soon as she saw me.
My smile grew wider as I felt my fatigue disintegrate just seeing her in my arms. I kissed the top of her head and held her tighter

"Hi, how was your day?" She asked in my chest.
"Tiresome" I chuckled. "I missed you."
She broke the hug as she pulled me into our kitchen.
There was my favorite food, carbonara with a slice of garlic bread and wine.

I quickly pulled at her hand and kissed her lips "Thank you, love." I kissed her lips again. I swear I will never get tired of kissing her luscious lips.

"Well come on, Mr. Williams, dinner's gonna get cold." She giggled.

"Tell me what happened today at work." She said as soon as we sat down. I continued to tell her about our recent problem with the partnership with a larger company called Sawyer Solutions and how they're asking for too much for the partnership. I also ranted how they were basically sucking our souls out of our bodies.
She listened and occasionally suggested solutions for some of the problems.

My Lia graduated with a degree in business same with me. It was where we first met, it was through my bestfriend, Mateo. He introduced the girl he liked at the time which was Lia at the time. But she rejected him and told him she only liked him as a friend.

I honestly didn't like her the first time I met her, but I got closer to her because I confronted her about Mateo. She was just naturally beautiful and kind. I eventually fell for her to which Mateo was fine about because he said he trusted me with her.

I courted her and the rest was history.

"You know you can just have a one on one talk with the president of the Sawyer Solutions. I know that you could persuade him to give in to what you want." She smiled. I got confused at first "How do you think I should do?" I queried.

She thought about it before perking up
"I've got an idea." She declared.
Hi guys!
Hope you guys liked this chapter!



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