Chapter 9

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A/N: ^Aiden Williams ^
Aiden's POV

I screwed up so bad.

I should've fucking confronted her about it.

Honestly, I'm not even mad at her, she made the right choice of leaving my sorry ass.
I am driving to my suite, I called Matt earlier. I really need to talk to him. I assumed that he was able to talk to her since he arrived here first.

When I got to my suite, Matt was already there waiting for me. He was sitting on the couch in the living room.
He raised his hand as a sign of greeting, "Heyo, A." He smiled, I noticed him holding a bag of doritos.

"I gave you a duplicate in case of emergencies." I emphasized the word emergencies, he should've just waited for me in the lobby.

"There was an emergency." He casually said as he ate another chip. "What? What's the emergency?" I was suddenly alert, there might be something wrong in the company.

"I was hungry." He beamed at me, not even sorry for the fact that he raided my kitchen.
My eyes turned into slits, I wanted to argue but I was exhausted. I rubbed the space between my eyes, sighing.
"I screwed up, Matt." I whispered as I sank on the chair next to the couch. He dusted off the crumbs from his lap and leaned towards me, giving me his full attention. "Is it about Liv?" He inquired.
I groaned in response, "yes. The love of my life is out there, suffering, because of me." I covered my face with my hands as I leaned back against the chair.

"Yeap, that was definitely an asshole move." He said, while casually picking at his fingers. I turned to face him, my face mirroring my confusion.

Shouldn't he be sympathetic of me?

I thought he was supposed to be my bestfriend?

Just then I felt a blow to my stomach, I immediately covered my torso. He punched me.
"That's your problem, Aiden." Matt's voice turned cold, unwavering. "You always expect people to grovel at your feet, not everyone is going to stop time for you." He scoffed. "Liv has been the only one that has loved you more than anything in the world, stop being so selfish and just face the consequences." He said with finality in his tone.

I only looked at him, wide eyed. So many questions were racing through my head.
He was right, I was selfish. I never thought about anything but my company, my feelings, and my life.
I've never considered how Lia felt.

Did she ever get tired of waiting for me every night I came home late?

Was she angry of the times I asked her to make me food?

Did she feel lonely whenever I went to work?

I casted my eyes downward, staring at my feet. I was ashamed to look at my bestfriend, I was ashamed of the fact that I was unconsiously selfish ever since I started this company.

Matt sighed. "Look, I didn't want to hurt you. But you were getting out of hand, and I needed to get you back on track. I'm just sorry that I didn't react until today. I saw how Liv was suffering, and you... you were still hung up how she wronged you, without knowing what she had to say." I almost wanted to laugh. Matt was the kind of person who'd joke around and laugh at the most stupid things.
With him being this serious and angry at me, it felt weird. It's as if a child grew up right in front of you and just started scolding you like how you used to scold him.

"You're right." I said, my voice was small. "I need to make it up to her."

"Yes, you do." He collapsed on the couch again. "Adulting is too hard, I don't get how you do it all the time." He whined. I smiled slightly, he's back.
Olivia's POV

A few weeks passed since I saw Aiden. I told myself to forget about him and just move on. But it's hard, it is really hard knowing that someone sabotaged a happy marrige for an unknown reason. It was also hard living in fear, wondering if today was the last day I was going to be with Jamie. I knew Aiden wanted Jamie and if he wanted something, he will find a way to get it.

I shuddered at the thought of how much it would cost. I was currently still looking for a job, I had 500,000 dollars stashed in my bank account from the divorce but I was motivated not to use it.
I was looking into businesses, I wanted to actually use my degree. So far I wasn't so lucky because of the small number of businesses around town.
I sighed as I turned off my old laptop, it was around 12 noon right now. Jamie was asleep in his room. I went to the kitchen to make lunch, there wasn't much food in the pantry right now. My money is nearly gone now and I don't really know what to do.

"Mommy?" A small voice called out. "Food?" Jamie was rubbing his eyes tiredly while his other hand was on his stomach. My heart broke seeing him like this. I promises myself years ago that I wasn't going to let my child starve. But here I am now, helplessly staring at my Jamie. I just settled for some instant noodles, we only had enough for one person now so I just let Jamie have it.

Maybe it's best if Jamie stayed with Aiden for a while. I can't always feed him instant noodles or chips whenever he's hungry. But a part of me was against the idea, Aiden would be too busy handling his business. And I am sure that I wouldn't want to leave Jamie with some nanny or something.
I gave Jamie the cooked noodles, smiling. "Eat up, Jay." I urged him. He only stared at the noodles. "Yours?" He cocked his head to the side.
"Oh it's fine, baby, I ate already." I told him, despite the rumbling in my stomach. He beamed at me then started eating the noodles.

I haven't really had anything for three days now, I was too busy worrying about Jamie or I was worrying about the money. I felt horrible, but I seem to forget about it as soon as I see my baby boy's smile.

I heard a knock on the door, I walked up to the door after I kissed Jamie's head.
I opened the door that revealed Aiden. My eyes immediately turned to slits, my blood boiling in rage. He had the audacity to show up again in my home, uninvited.
"What the are you doing here, Mr. Williams?" I coldly asked. He winced slightly of how I adressed him. "I need to talk to you, Lia." His eyes showed determination with a hint of nervousness.
"I don't want to talk. And please call me Ms. Thompson." I was about to shut the door when he stopped me. "It's about Jamie." He said, his face was stoic, I coudn't read him.

I gave in. "Fine." I whispered, I asked Jamie to go to his room. I didn't want him listening in to our conversation. I was secretly grateful that he just nodded and went back to his room, he wasn't usually this obedient.

"Talk, Mr. Williams."

Heyyy! Tell me what you guys think, hope y'all are safe :> stay at home




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