Chapter 10

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Olivia's POV

"Talk, Mr. Williams." A hint of hesitation crossed his features, I try not to get distracted by his attire. I wouldn't admit it out loud but my favorite attire that only he can pull off in my eyes, is when he has a button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I internally bite my lip while admiring the forbidden fruit in front of me.

"—ney?" My consciousness finally reminding me of the reality. His face showed a pinch of relief. "I'm sorry, what?" His face fell. I bit my lip, embarrassed that I wasn't listening.

At first he stared at my lips for a moment, then he looked back at the ground panic engulfing his features once again. I fight the urge to comfort him.

I have to be cold right now.

I need to show that I'm not pathetic.

He cleared his throat, presumably trying to calm his nerves. "I was asking why haven't you touched the money in your old account." He looked like he was hiding something else but I didn't ask about it.
"I don't want your money. I may be in a hard place right now, but I want to provide for my child." I coldly replied. I know that my choices would seem selfish and seem that I am petty, but he broke me.
He took everything from me from my home to my love.
I know to myself that I can never love anyone as I have loved him.
I honestly don't care if I seem petty to other people, but for me it is also the last of my dignity and pride that I need to protect.

"Lia, he's my child too." He tried to protest, that set me off a little bit but I kept my composure. "Sure." I replied sarcastically. "Of course you want your 'bastard' son." I let venom drip onto every single word. He visibly flinched, "Lia, I'm sorry. I never wanted to say that. I—I was just— I was so angry and—and hurt." He stuttered, he tried to grab my hand but I pull away as if I was burned.

His eyes glistened with hurt, regret, and desperation. "Please, Please, Lia. I want to fix this, fix us. I just want to be with Jamie and you." He pleaded, my heart clenched for the man in front of me. As much as I wanted to keep Jay away from him, I just can't.

I know what it was like to have your parents taken away from you. My parents died when I was 18, they died in a terrible car crash.
I never want Jay to go through the same pain, not knowing his father.

I contemplated the pros and cons of letting him see Jay but it all reflected the same and most important component, Jay's happiness.

"...Fine." He looked at me, relief flooding his whole features. "But—" his face fell once again. "I'll let you be a father to Jamie, but I don't think you can fix... us." I merely whispered the last part.
"N—no, no. I swear on my life, Lia. I will fix this, I will make you love me again." His eyes showed determination. Oblivious to the fact that I do still love him, he just needed to make me let go of the doubt and sadness of the past.

"I—" I started, but I saw a certain ball roll from the back of the couch. I smiled softly, "Jay, baby? Are you there?" I called out to my son.

At first everything was quiet, then a small head of hair stood up slowly and walked out from behind the couch. Jay kept his eyes on the ground as he hesitantly walked to where I was standing.

"I'm sowwy, Mommy." He said quietly, I picked him up and propped him up my hip.

"It's okay, baby. Just next time do as mommy says and stay in your room. Okay?" I lifted his chin up to make him look me in the eyes.

He smiled widely, "Yes, Mommy!" His eyes shined with happiness. I looked at Aiden for a moment, he was only staring at us with longing and happiness. I tried to send him a silent message, asking if he wanted to be introduced.
And thank god he understood, he eagerly nodded and excitement and nervousness replaced his features from earlier.

I looked back at Jay, "Jay, hun. Do you remember what I told you about Daddy?" I gently put him back on the ground as I crouched to his level.

"Yesh, daddy working." He nodded, his eyes gleaming.

"Well, what if I told you that big man over there was your daddy?" He was confused for a moment before his eyes trailed to Aiden.
Jay looked like he was seeing him for the first time. He looked up to Aiden, "Dada?" He asked.
Aiden's eyes instantly watered, a couple of tears trailed down his face. He got down to his knees and hugged Jay, "Yes, I'm dada. I'm here." He hugged him to his chest as Jay squealed in delight.

"Daddy!" Jay then tried to babble about his likes and dislikes the best he can. I felt something on my face as I stared at the pair.
I touched my face, it felt wet.

I was secretly surprised, I was crying not out of despair but out of happiness. It was odd considering that I used to be against this.

Maybe it was because I knew Jay would finally know what is was like to be loved by his father, that thought just beings me to tears. Out of relief and something else, I'm just not sure what.
"Dada, park?" Jay beamed at his father, Aiden mirrored his smile before looking at me for confirmation.
I nodded, "Of course hun, Dada would love to go with you to the park." I crouched down to his level.
Aiden looked at me, hesitantly. "You should come with us, Lia." He seemed hesitant yet determined.
"I...I couldn't this is supposed to be a father-son bonding time. Besides, I have to go to a job interview later." I felt down because I want to see them interact more. I never knew I needed to see this.
"Oh, well okay. But will you and Jay have dinner with me later tonight?" He asked timidly. I found this very adorable, I smiled a faint smile.
"Sure, just tell me where and what time." I told him, I stood up and started fixing up my things for the interview later.

I heard Jay telling all kinds of stories as much as he can while getting ready to go to the park. I showed them to the door.
Then just before they can walk out the door, Aiden leaned close to my ear, "I'm not giving up on you, Lia. We will be a family again." He whispered, an unwanted shiver ran though my spine as I pursed my lips.
Aiden hardly saw my reaction since Jay was pulling his hand towards the door.

I closed the door behind them as I lean against the door. With my hand over my heart, willing my heart to slow down.

What is happening to me...?
Hey guys!
I am very very veryyy sorry for the super late upload 😪
I had an unfortunate health scare and I basically had to go to the hospital. But I'm fine now and I will try to upload the best I can 😄

Btw thank you thank you thank you for 4k reads!! This being my first book means alot to me and I appreciate all of your support! 💛💛




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