Chapter 7

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A/N: ^ Jamie Carter Williams ^

Olivia's POV

He frowned at what I said, his eyes showed different emotions, anger, sadness, regret, and guilt. But before I could even process what could be going on inside his head, his expression shifted into an expressionless mask.

"I want a paternity test. And if that child turns out to be mine, I will see you in court." He declared as he walked straight out of the cafe.

I felt my shoulders sag, I felt defeated and angry. I clenched my hands, making a fist. "No." I whispered almost soundlessly. I felt the invisible pressure on my body increase as I dropped on my knees. I was shaking in grief, "No!" I finally broke down, all of the events are finally catching up to me, I sobbed while hugging myself. I was beginning to feel desperate in feeling comfort.
I was alone in the empty cafe, crying my heart out, for my marriage, for my son, and for me.

All this time I've never been selfish, and the one time I decided to be selfish and try to be happy, I suddenly lose my everything, my Jay.

"Livvy? Liv, dear, please wake up." I heard an elderly voice plead, I also heard crying of a child. My eyes shot open, my eyes immediately going to my son. He was looking at me, teary-eyed, his sobs were fading away but he was still sniffling, Sheila stood behind him, her hands on his shoulders, she stared at me in worry.

"Liv, darling, are you okay? Does something hurt?" Lola questioned me, her eyes glistened with concern. I thought about her question.

Yes I am hurt. I wanted to answer but I kept quiet. I am beyond repair.

"I'm fine... I think I just fell asleep here." I said, trying to sound strong and succeeding when I saw the small smile on Lola's face.

"We didn't open the cafe because you might not feel very well serving customers after passing out." Sheila commented. I smiled at their concerns, I was so glad to have met them.

"What time is it?" I asked, as I shakily try to stand up. Sheila shot her hand out to steady me. I breathed out a small thank you.
"It's 4 pm already, so you were out for a couple of hours." Lola said. I honestly felt so guilty since they closed up early just because of me.

"I know what you're thinking, dear, but it's fine. We are a family here, and that means whatever happens you are our first priority." Lola smiled sweetly. I felt my eyes tear up for a moment, I realized that my world can't revolve around him anymore. I have a real family in front of me, and that's all that matters.

I have to move on with my life, I can't hold myself back for someone who is not willing to be with me or Jay anymore.

I'm done.
Aiden's POV

Oh god, the whole time that I was in that damned cafe, I felt as if I was being taunted by life.

My ex wife, the woman I love... she looked exquisite, more beautiful than ever. When I saw her, I swear I think I felt my heart stop. I had to physically stop myself from running to her and kiss her and apologize for everything I have ever done to her. Her long beautiful dark hair, her adorable button-like nose, it's like I was seeing her for the very first time again... and her eyes, goddammit her gorgeous green eyes. It's just—ugh it's so nostalgic, I remembered back when we were married I just want to go back and just stay there. Everything was perfect and heavenly...

But then I remember what she did. She is nothing but a gold digger and a slut. But no matter how much I try to convince myself, I still love her. I groaned, burying my face into my hands. I was currently in my car on my way to the hotel. I called Liam and told him that my stay here would be extended.

I remembered that little boy, he seemed so familiar yet so... different. He had the most captivating eyes, and he had a chestnut colored hair, he had the same hair as mine. I don't know, but I feel as if I need to protect him from everything. I want to give him everything he would ask for.

I was definitely stunned to find that she had a child, she didn't look like she had a kid when I saw her. She was slimmer than I had remembered, I was suddenly worried, thinking if she had been eating properly these past two years.

"Aye, Aiden? What happened in there?" My bestfriend, Matt, asked. I didn't say anything as I just stared out of my window.

"Liv's been doing well. She has a nice job, cute house—" He continued, but I cut him off. "You've been to her house?" Jealousy started to seep into my words. I froze, then Matt started laughing. I looked away again, embarrassed.

"Oh god, you're still in love with her aren't you?" He laughed. I just grumbled, ignoring his antics. My phone suddenly rang, the name got me scoffing. Will this woman ever get tired?

"What do you want, Angelica?" I answered the phone.

"Babe! How are you?" An obnoxious voice asked. Angelica has been bothering me non stop ever since the divorce. She also tried to go to my house in multiple occasions. The time that I slept with her was a one time thing, I was angry and sad at the time.

"None of your business." I rolled my eyes.

"On the contrary, babe, it is my business. I am going to be your wife soon." Her voice pompous.

I groaned, Angelica's father was able to get me to marry her in exchange of their services in my company. So far they have been a huge investor for the company. I didn't want to, but it is good for business.

"Whatever. I'll be staying here longer." I told her, she blabbered about a lot of things. And at one point I just muted the call and talked to Matt about the schedule for the construction of the new office in Mrs. Ansen's property.
Soon enough Angelica told me that she had to go, and thank god for that, I hung up before she could even say goodbye.

"You know you could've just hung up way earlier." Matt said in a matter-of-fact voice

"And suffer again when she whines how I don't value her and shit?" I drawled out sarcastically. I know that she's sleeping with someone else, and to hear her nagging me about I am supposed to cherish her cheating ass is just too... preposterous.

We got to the hotel I was staying in, it felt like ages but it was in fact just a few minutes away from the cafe Lia's working in. I just wanted to collapse on my bed and just sleep. Everything that happened today just left me exhausted.

I got into my suite and took a shower and I just collapsed on my bed, not even bothering to change into my pajamas. I heard the door creak open and a body lying next to me.

"Mmm, babe, I've missed you." A familiar yet annoying voice said, I can't even process who it was suddenly I just passed out.




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