Six: Dex

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I walk into the room. There are mirrors on one side of the wall. In the centre is a chair and a machine, where a woman is pressing some buttons. She looks up as I come in. 

"Hi," she smiles, "I'm Oletha and I'll be administering your test today." I just nod. Unfazed by this, she asks, "You must be April?" I try not to roll my eyes. She already knows my name. She's just trying to make conversation-and my red and yellow clothes show that I am meant to be good at talking. 

"Call me Dex." I say. Her eyebrows raise at this but then she just smiles again-Abnegation aren't meant to be curious. 

"Alright Dex," she says placidly, "Have a seat. Don't worry. It won't hurt."

"I'm not worried, " I almost snap back. People always assume Amity are weak. I sit down and lean back in the chair. 

"Of course you aren't," she smiles again, and then hands me a liquid, "Drink this please."

I survey the clear liquid and then drink it. At first, nothing happens but then I feel my eyes begin to close and my vision turns black...

...My eyes open and adjust to the suddenly blinding light. I'm in the cafeteria, only it's empty aside from two baskets. In one is a hunk of cheese, in another is a long knife. 

"Choose," says a voice behind me-a woman's. I jump and as a reflex, I snatch up the knife and spin around...only there's no one there. 

"Show yourself," I say, "I'm not afraid of you." I raise the knife up to my face to show that I'm ready to use it. 

There's no answer and I lower the knife cautiously. Is this a trap? I turn back to the baskets only to find that they've disappeared. I grip the knife harder, ready to use it if need be and scan the room. 

Suddenly the door opens...but I don't see anyone come in. At first I think it's just the wind, but then I see a flash of brown and hear someone walking softly across the floor. Only they are so small that I can't see them. 

I duck down and then I see it- a dog-making it's way through the empty tables, smelling the floor for something. Relieved, I almost get up- we have plenty of dogs in Amity and I've never been hurt by one before. 

But then then the dog opens its' mouth, revealing jagged sharp teeth. I tense; hoping it won't see me. But of course, it does. The brown eyes train on me, and its' breathing quickens, increasing in volume, and I realise that it's growling. Growling at me. 

It crouches and makes its' way towards me. I stand up and scan the room for a way out. No-the only way out would be through the same door the dog came in and I know that even though I'm the fastest of all my friends in Amity, I won't be able to outrun a dog. 

I grip the knife in my hand and make my way towards the dog. If it's going to attack me, it will be on my terms. Its' eyes narrow, and its' teeth flash, baring them at me as it let's loose another growl. We eye each other. 

And then the door swings open again, getting our attention. It's a girl wearing a white dress, running towards us. 

"Puppy!" she shrieks. The dog turns round to face her, surveying its' new easier prey and its' distraction is the moment I need. Gritting my teeth, I plunge the knife into the dog's side. The feeling of the knife sliding into its' body makes me want to throw up. But I have to do this. I have no other choice. The girl screams. The dog whimpers. And my vision turns black...

My eyes open again. I'm back in the testing room. I glance around. It's empty-no chair, no machine, no Oletha. I scan the room quickly for any dangers, wishing I still had my knife, and then push open the door. 

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